Thanks for the suggestions. I tried them but got the same results--no files are copied. Here are a few of the error messages that appear in the Ingest Progress window:
Ingest complete. (46 errors)
Error copying: G:\DCIM\162CANON\CRW_6251.CRW to: C:\Photos\2006-08-13 Family Picnic \CRW_6251.CRW
Error copying: G:\DCIM\162CANON\CRW_6251.CRW to: F:\Backup\Photos\2006-08-13 Family Picnic \CRW_6251.CRW
Error copying: G:\DCIM\162CANON\CRW_6252.CRW to: C:\Photos\2006-08-13 Family Picnic \CRW_6252.CRW
Error copying: G:\DCIM\162CANON\CRW_6252.CRW to: F:\Backup\Photos\2006-08-13 Family Picnic \CRW_6252.CRW
Error copying: G:\DCIM\162CANON\CRW_6253.CRW to: C:\Photos\2006-08-13 Family Picnic \CRW_6253.CRW
Error copying: G:\DCIM\162CANON\CRW_6253.CRW to: F:\Backup\Photos\2006-08-13 Family Picnic \CRW_6253.CRW
Warning: Finished copying from volume "G:\", but there were errors.
I have had the same problem with two separate CF cards, each used in different cameras. I was able to use File Explorer to copy the files from both cards into Windows folders on the C: drive and I can subsequently open those files in PS CS2, so it doesn't seem like a problem with the card reader. I'm running Win XP (Media Center Edition). Photo Mechanic was working fine until I installed the release before, though I realize it may not be tied to update. If it were, it seems like this problem would have cropped up before now.