I have had PM (Windows, v. do a flakey thing on two different systems. It simply disappers from the task bar like it was closed down and then I can't restart it. I do a CTRL+ALT+DEL and can't see it on the task list nor the process list. Trying to double-click on the icon gets nothing. The only solution is to do a complete shut down the PC and restart it. Then PM starts right up.
It is so subtle that I haven't been able to find a common set of actions or steps to recreat the problem. It occured a few times on my laptop, but I wrote off to something that I did and didn't really connect the inablity to restart to PM to something related to PM. Today, on our on-site event view system, my customer-service person called me 3 times on the radio to say that PM had disappeared from the task bar and that she was unable to restart it. Rebooting got it going.
I will continue to try to find the steps to recreate the problem, but I wanted to put this on your radar screen and see if anyone has seen this behavior.
Fairfield Photography