Since a while I'm noticing an error with IPTC-Stationerypad. My workflow is following:
Viewing all photos from camera and writing IPTC to all RAWs. Choosing pix and editing them in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5.
Saving all edited pix out of Lightroom into a specific folder (named by date of shooting).
After last step, pix lose all IPTC data, (see attached screenshots).
You'll need to change to an XMP sidecar style workflow if you're going to use Adobe products. Adobe's products will read IPTC/XMP metadata embedded in RAW files, but it refuses to modify RAW files for the purposes of updating metadata. If you use XMP sidecar files on RAW files with PM, Adobe's products will both read and write to the XMP sidecar files.
You'll still have to tell Lightroom to read XMP and write XMP when you make the transitions between PM and LR. LR generally ignores external changes to XMP sidecar files, preferring to use its cached copies in its database.
There are options in the "Metadata" menu in LR for managing the reading and writing of metadata for items in the LR catalog.