Hello Kirk, happy new year!
I would like to suggest an improvement for the "Update IPTC/XMP functionality" that I believe would save my life and many other people's too.
More often than not, we end up with TIFF files or JPG files or RAW files captioned differently (or some captioned, some not)
For JPGs/RAW pairs, that is an easy matter to solve but involves dragging them to the same folder which many times is not desirable at all.
Many times though, all we want is to apply the IPTC information we putted into a file into all its child files or the ones with the same name that may be versions or child files from the original one. For example, Tiff files generated from RAW files that were not captioned at that time but were thoroughly captioned later.
If we could get to define a source folder and a destination folder so that the "Update IPTC/XMP" would get IPTC info from files on the source folder and apply them to the ones with the same filename base (excluding the extension of course) on the destination folder it would be awesome!
That way, we can "transfer" our captions from TIFF files to a RAW files, from RAW files to JPGs or TIFFs and so on.
Thank you in advanced for your support and have a very happy new year!.