I am running version 4.6.9 on a macbook air. Intel Based Mac. OS 10.9.5. Recently I was trying to search using the quick search function and the search function from the edit menu. I am searching in the active contact sheet. I am searching on keywords. Here's the problem. I marked the files wanted to use in my blog, but the search function only calls up some of the photos. I am searching on the keyword list when I select the "I" key. I am searching on the word "blog". It only brings up the photos that I edited and applied the key word "blog" to. Subsequent files it is not recognizing. I've tried adding the keyword to other pics. in the contact sheet and it doesn't recognize them either.
One thing I just noticed is if I use the Find function it finds the correct files. Not sure why it behaves differently than the quick search or search function.
I tried restarting the program and I tried removing the key words and applying them again. No luck.