Hi, I'm experiencing a major memory leak in PM5 (latest version). As far as I'm able to work out the problem is caused by opening a contact sheet that has a large number of images in it (3000+). As soon as I open this in PM it takes about 2 minutes to completely eat through all my available memory (I use the Status Bar app to measure the amount of free memory I have & under 'normal' conditions i.e. with standard apps like mail, calendar, Safari etc open I have around 73-74% free). If I open PM with no contact sheet open it's fine & I've just opened a contact sheet with a couple of hundred images & it's sitting at 70% free and stable.
Yesterday I ingested a wedding containing about 3,500 RAW files & it's this contact sheet that I can't open without seeing the memory leak.
A couple of things worth noting that might be relevant: I recently upgraded my Mac to the latest 5k iMac. I had all my data on an external Thunderbolt drive so just had to install the applications on the new machine and then point my home drive to the Thunderbolt drive. I had some issues with Final Cut Pro X and had to delete my preferences to fix them. I've just dome the same thing with PM but it hasn't made any difference (apart from the fact that I can't now seem to register as it tells my my max number of activations has been reached - can you tell me how I can fix that also). I've reinstalled PM (although I was already running the latest version). I also noticed that if I open the troublesome contact sheet and then close PM it gives me a message that it's clearing the cache & this seems to take a long time.
Any ideas what's going on?