This is my file naming workflow for all my pictures:
Year - Month Number - Month Name (3 letters) - day of the month - day of the week (3 letters) - hh mm ss - place - city - state (2 o 3 letters) - country (3 letters):
2004 - (04) - Apr - 07 - Mon - h19m32s45 - Long Beach - Broome - WA - AUS.jpg
(I don't actually use the minus "-" character it is just to make this example more clear)
Photo Mechanic is perfect for this and actually the best tool I know, if you would create a second "dow" (day of the wee) as dow3 like the monthname3 (mnn3) variable, to get "Fri" instead of "Friday" for instance that for me would be just perfect and would save me hours an hours of work.
Actually for that I use an iPhoto - Exifrenamer workflow or a manual Exifrenamer workflow. I hope you take it that into account for the next realease since it is a relative small extra feature.