I've been using Photo Mechanic for a couple years now, it's a great software and FAST! Especially when selecting my images. However, I keep going back and forth when importing photos from my camera to Adobe Bridge for a simpler renaming. I was wondering if someone can help me with the string substitutions in renaming files.
Normally the original filename straight off my camera is: LA1X7834.JPG (as the last 4 digits is continuously generated from the camera). I always change my filename to shootdate-cameracode-jobname- keeping the last 4 digits, such as: 20150901-LA1CorporateFactory-7834.JPG. Note: LA1X is to be LA1, for my first camera body and LA1_ to be LA2, as for my second camera body. Was wondering if someone can help me with the file naming variables?
Thanks in advance!