Author Topic: Ingest dosen't show camera or all disks  (Read 7008 times)

Offline bobgall

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Ingest dosen't show camera or all disks
« on: November 02, 2015, 11:04:29 AM »
I'm a trial user.  So far I really like it.  But I want to try all the functionality.
My current issue is that the Ingest dialog dosen't recognize my camer (mostly a D7200), and it dosen't show all my hard drives.  Also the "rescan" button dosen't seem to do anything.

Offline Odd Skjaeveland

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Re: Ingest dosen't show camera or all disks
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2015, 01:11:43 PM »
My current issue is that the Ingest dialog dosen't recognize my camer (mostly a D7200)

A USB connected camera have two ways of presenting itself to a computer, either as a "mass storage" or as an image repository using the Media Transfer Protocol (see ).

Older Nikons (like my D300) let the user decide how the camera will present itself to the computer. Newer Nikons do not, they use MTP and are not seen as mass storage like a USB disk is. A memory card reader will present the camera memory card as a mass storage on par with a USB disk.

The way I understand Photo Mechanic, Ingest works with external disks. Think USB disk, a memory card in a card reader or  a memory card in a camera that will present itself to the computer as being a mass storage. My D300 can by a menu selection act as USB mass storage, my D800E can not. Most likely, your D7200 can not act as a USB mass storage, it is probably just a MTP-device.

and it dosen't show all my hard drives.

Photo Mechanic should show your external drives (external mass storage), those that are potential sources for Ingest. Drives that are not potential sources for Ingest, like internal drives,  are not shown.

Photo Mechanic has a Copy/Move functionality for non-ingest kind of file handling. Check if it will do what you need.

That said, I have seen several requests for expanding the Ingest function to work with internal disks as source, or alternatively expanding the copy function to work with two targets like Ingest can do for backup copies.

« Last Edit: November 02, 2015, 01:14:05 PM by Odd Skjaeveland »
Odd S.

Offline Hayo Baan

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Re: Ingest dosen't show camera or all disks
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2015, 02:06:39 PM »
That said, I have seen several requests for expanding the Ingest function to work with internal disks as source, or alternatively expanding the copy function to work with two targets like Ingest can do for backup copies.

PM already is capable of ingesting from internal drives.  Just select "Ingest from Folder" in the dialog and choose the folder you want to ingest from  :)
Hayo Baan - Photography

Offline bobgall

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Re: Ingest dosen't show camera or all disks
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2015, 04:58:41 AM »
Thanks for the replies.  But Ingest still seems to be erratic.  It reports some of my internal drives but not all of them.  It also dosen't see my USB card reader.  The only way I can go is to load a card either into a folder somewhere first or load into LightRoom.  This is OK but I was hoping PM would speed up the download process as well.

Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: Ingest dosen't show camera or all disks
« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2015, 09:07:11 AM »
Thanks for the replies.  But Ingest still seems to be erratic.  It reports some of my internal drives but not all of them.  It also dosen't see my USB card reader.  The only way I can go is to load a card either into a folder somewhere first or load into LightRoom.  This is OK but I was hoping PM would speed up the download process as well.

Well, that is one of Photo Mechanic's key features.  Tell me more about your USB card reader.  Do you have a card inserted into the reader at the time you bring up Ingest?  What kind of card is it?  How is it formatted?  What kind of files are on the card?

PM looks for a particular directory structure to exist.  All modern cameras create a "DCIM" folder on the root of the card.  PM looks for this.  If it doesn't exist, then it isn't a camera disk and won't be offered for Ingest.  You can still ingest images from folders if you like.  That said, maybe you're simply wanting to browse the images that already exist on your internal hard drives?  If so, you don't need to ingest them first.  You can open the folders from the Open command on the File menu, use the Navigator or Favorites, use drag and drop from a folder on your desktop.

PM will browse images wherever they exist, you just need to prompt PM to access the folder containing your images.

