Author Topic: Weeding out the junk - Photo Archiving Discussion  (Read 6623 times)

Offline Texas_Archivist

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Weeding out the junk - Photo Archiving Discussion
« on: January 22, 2016, 09:48:24 AM »
Hello. I am working on constructing an web-accessible archive for my newsroom's photography department and came across a few concerns I was hoping to get insight on.
It is a one-person job for me doing this and I have only 6 months to create a useful system before I must move onto other projects. My project is focused on improving the archiving processes for press publications and university newsrooms that receive copious amounts of content from staff and student photographers.

1) For photo editors out there, how do you sort through past shoots and determine what should and shouldn't be kept in a relatively quick manner? (Our photographers tag their best and our editors sort by color following that already. I would just use those, but some of these shoots, like football or election coverage, have photos that weren't tagged that could still be useful in the future.)

2) What would you say is a reasonable file size to upload to a web-based archive? Currently we have it set to 6MB per file, but is that too large? (The idea is to keep large enough files so we can still use them in the future for print publication and other press means.)

Any advice on this topic would be greatly appreciated, and if anyone has questions for me involving this type of archiving I would be more than willing to take any and all inquiries. Thanks in advance!