I have an issue with the Choose file dialog that wasn't a problem before. I use Photo Mechanic Version 5.0, build 16960 (6ba2289) on a retina MacBook Pro 13" with OSX 10.10.5 (14F1021).
I usually save my IPTC stationeries once written to be reused at later similar shoots so I only have to select the saved file and update certain information in it before applying it to files.
I store all of my saved IPTC stationeries in a folder sorted by date and event name and I have been searching for the right one using the Search field in the top right corner of the Choose file dialog that pops up in PM after clicking on the Load... button on the IPTC Stationery pad.
In the past it worked as a charm. I only start to type my queries and the right files came up as expected. However recently this started not working for me. It doesn't matter what text I type I don't get any search result. Either the unfiltered complete file list is displayed or when I type anything in the search field then no files are displayed at all. Even typing in the full filename doesn't help the file doesn't show up at all.
It must not be an OSX issue as in Finder all this works fine without any problem, but the same method has no result in the Choose file dialog in PM. (See screenshot below)
I hope you can reproduce the error and find a solution for it.