Each time you do an ingest, you adjust Job Name off of the Ingest dialog to fit what you need that variable to do. So, in our case, it would essentially be the subject of the card that's being ingested. That then gets used to create a directory to hold the images so that they're grouped by subject. The folder name string looks something like: {day0} {dow3}/{job}/CARDS/{seq}. Then an editor goes through each folder under CARDS, and does selects. The images are then moved to a different folder under the {job} folder for SELECTS.
I have a Google doc of the different Job Name codes we use through the week - we just cut and paste them out of that document into the Job Name field. It's a pretty quick task.
That makes it pretty easy to tell what images have been looked at and had a select done against them, and which ones haven't (we have four photo editors coordinating to plow through the input from the 12 photographers).
The workaround I have - just respecting Job Name as global, and only ingesting for one subject at a time - totally works, it's just not optimal. We could also just type over that part of the Folder Name field - it's a little more error prone (because you're just changing part of a string, rather than the whole field). Another way would be to store the whole Folder Name field in my Google Doc, and do a wholesale cut/paste replace, and that would keep it "safer" to do the Folder Name replacement.
If you have a better idea, I'm all ears :-)