A few more observations for Ver 4.5 running on Win XP SP2 MCE, Athlon 64 X2 4600 2gb RAM:
1. In the contact sheet when you dbl-click a filename to rename it, the delete key is not functional. The only way to remove characters is to use the backspace key. Other keys (home, end, l-arrow, r-arrow) work as expected in Windows.
2. Keyboard navigation in the preview window filmstrip has some issues (these comments assume that keyboard navigation here should mimic the navigation in a contact sheet):
a. Right-left movement using the arrow keys occurs on key-up, not key-down. You cannot rapidly move through multiple images by holding down the key to repeat. Arrow keys must be pressed and released to move to the next/previous image, one at a time.
b. There is no way to jump to the leftmost (first) image with Home, or to the rightmost (last) image with End. Depending on where the current position is, these keys shift the thumbs right or left by one image; eventually after repeated keypresses, nothing happens.
c. Page up and Page down behave like the home and end keys--they move the thumbs, and eventually do nothing.
In general, keyboard navigation in this area doesn't conform to Windows standards, and also seems erratic depending on where you are positioned in the strip. If these aren't bugs, what is the designed behavior and intended usage?
3. Strange behavior occurs when restarting PM after you quit with multiple contact sheets open. Example:
Open contact sheets from folders A, B, and C. Do stuff in C, then close it. Now B is selected, A is also open. Quit and restart PM. Folder C is opened as the contact sheet!
Realizing you can't consider features at this point, in a future update it would be useful to have an option to reopen all the contact sheets that were open when PM was shut down. I know this can be done with favorite groups, but that then entails defining and deleting favorites that might only be used once. Most of the time, when I restart PM, I want all the contact sheets that were open when I last quit.