Author Topic: 'Save Photos as...' is appending a '1' to original file names.  (Read 2989 times)

Offline bendypath

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'Save Photos as...' is appending a '1' to original file names.
« on: November 15, 2017, 10:38:23 AM »
When using the 'Save Photos as...' command to create JPEG versions of my TIF files, the exported JPEG's always have a '1' appended at the end. I am saving the JPG versions in a new subfolder. For example: 1875-05-001.TIF becomes 1875-05-0011.JPG (see attached screen shots).

I want the exact same file name with the JPG extension. How can this be done? I can't find what I am doing wrong in the documentation. Thanks!

Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: 'Save Photos as...' is appending a '1' to original file names.
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2017, 01:39:13 PM »

Renaming resolution: Set options for what Photo Mechanic should do when it tries to save a file to a folder and there is an identically named file already present at the destination. This policy applies to all renaming operations. You can choose to append a letter, or a single or double digit number, when needed. The best option here is probably ‘Append Digits when needed (01,02 etc.)’. This option makes it easy to see at a glance when there were two files with the same name since the new file name will be longer and easy to spot.

I expect that you have your preferences set to always append a digit when renaming.

Choose one of the 'when needed' options.
