Author Topic: Color Profile removed when Color Class added and using sidecar file  (Read 11646 times)

Offline sdick3

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I just upgraded to the 4.4.3 version because of the new option to save tag and color class in a sidecar file.
I use Nikon Capture which removes that info in older versions.
But now when I open the NEF file in Photoshop (using the Nikon File Format loader) it says 'The embedded ICC profile cannot be used because of a program error. Ignoring the profile'.
This only occurs when I have color classed the file and resaving the NEF in capture does not fix it.

Online Kirk Baker

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I just upgraded to the 4.4.3 version because of the new option to save tag and color class in a sidecar file.
I use Nikon Capture which removes that info in older versions.
But now when I open the NEF file in Photoshop (using the Nikon File Format loader) it says 'The embedded ICC profile cannot be used because of a program error. Ignoring the profile'.
This only occurs when I have color classed the file and resaving the NEF in capture does not fix it.

It would be good to know what version of Photoshop you are using, what version of the NEF File Format plugin you are using, what version of Nikon Capture you are using, and what OS you are running on.

If you have PM writing metadata to XMP sidecar files, then PM is not modifying your NEFs.  Re-saving the NEF in Nikon Capture is unlikely to make any difference if it is the XMP sidecar file that is tripping up the NEF plugin.  What happens if you remove/rename the XMP sidecar file?  Does the plugin work again?


Offline sdick3

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Photoshop CS2, Nikon Capture 4.4 and associated plug in. I assumed it was the plug in file. Photoshop must be trying to read it along side the NEF. Catpure has no problem.

Embarassingly I have not found the sidecar files. I assumed they would be alongside the image file but I can't find them.

When I do then this would be a good test. Then I guess that would point to a Photoshop bug?

Online Kirk Baker

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Photoshop CS2, Nikon Capture 4.4 and associated plug in. I assumed it was the plug in file. Photoshop must be trying to read it along side the NEF. Catpure has no problem.

Embarassingly I have not found the sidecar files. I assumed they would be alongside the image file but I can't find them.

When I do then this would be a good test. Then I guess that would point to a Photoshop bug?

I think you must be having PM embed IPTC and/or XMP within the RAW files.  Capture has no problem with this, but maybe their File Format plugin does have a problem with modified RAW files.  If you need to you can use the "Revert TIFF-based RAW to original" command on the Tools menu to restore your NEFs to their original unmodified state.



Offline sdick3

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Thats it. There are so many options. I had specified write to sidecar but also embed it as well and this was overriding it.
Extracting the info to the sidecar fixes the open problem and leaves the color class tags in place.
