Author Topic: ICC profile  (Read 7940 times)

Offline marta

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ICC profile
« on: March 13, 2007, 04:48:16 AM »
Is there an option to not embed the ICC profile during the resize / crop of the pictures?

I'm having problems with some pictures that appear to be excessively green, red or dark after uploading them to PhotoShelter. I did some tests and realized this:

- When I resize a picture during the upload process, PhotoMechanic seems to always embed the ICC profile but some pictures taken with Canon Picture Styles and Adobe RGB (1998) space color doesn't work well when they're embedded before showed on PhotoShelter. Despite the fact that the pictures were being taken with Adobe RGB (1998) space color, if they are embedded with sRGB or if they are not embedded at all before to be sent to PhotoShelter, the problem is solved. In this last case, they indicate the Adobe RGB (1998) space color into their profile but the Info does not show the expression "(embedded)" next to it.

- Some softwares like Photoshop CS2 and Digital Photo Professional give the option to embed or not the ICC profile when you are saving the picture. If you don't check the option, don't embed the ICC profile, the pictures have no further problems in PhotoShelter site. If you check the option and embed the ICC profile, they have the same problem showed when you edit them with PhotoMechanic.

PhotoMechanic doesn't seem to give an option to not embed the ICC profile. Because of that, I'm now going to Photoshop every time I need to crop or resize a picture and loosing the workflow benefit of doing everything inside the PhotoMechanic. Am I missing something? Is there an option to not embed ICC? If not, could it be considered for the next version?


Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: ICC profile
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2007, 07:28:01 AM »

Is there an option to not embed the ICC profile during the resize / crop of the pictures?

I'm having problems with some pictures that appear to be excessively green, red or dark after uploading them to PhotoShelter. I did some tests and realized this:

- When I resize a picture during the upload process, PhotoMechanic seems to always embed the ICC profile but some pictures taken with Canon Picture Styles and Adobe RGB (1998) space color doesn't work well when they're embedded before showed on PhotoShelter. Despite the fact that the pictures were being taken with Adobe RGB (1998) space color, if they are embedded with sRGB or if they are not embedded at all before to be sent to PhotoShelter, the problem is solved. In this last case, they indicate the Adobe RGB (1998) space color into their profile but the Info does not show the expression "(embedded)" next to it.

- Some softwares like Photoshop CS2 and Digital Photo Professional give the option to embed or not the ICC profile when you are saving the picture. If you don't check the option, don't embed the ICC profile, the pictures have no further problems in PhotoShelter site. If you check the option and embed the ICC profile, they have the same problem showed when you edit them with PhotoMechanic.

PhotoMechanic doesn't seem to give an option to not embed the ICC profile. Because of that, I'm now going to Photoshop every time I need to crop or resize a picture and loosing the workflow benefit of doing everything inside the PhotoMechanic. Am I missing something? Is there an option to not embed ICC? If not, could it be considered for the next version?

Do you have your settings set like the following image?



[attachment deleted by admin]

Offline marta

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Re: ICC profile
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2007, 11:37:13 AM »

I tried all Color Management options while I was trying to figure out what was going on. I ended with:

- Default ICC profile if undetermined: "No default profile"
- YES, Color manage thumbnais for display (checked)
- YES, Color manage previews for display (checked)
- NOT Embed ICC profile into Camera JPEG... (not checked)

« Last Edit: March 13, 2007, 11:39:49 AM by Marta Franco »

Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: ICC profile
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2007, 03:56:49 PM »

Is there an option to not embed the ICC profile during the resize / crop of the pictures?

I'm having problems with some pictures that appear to be excessively green, red or dark after uploading them to PhotoShelter. I did some tests and realized this:

- When I resize a picture during the upload process, PhotoMechanic seems to always embed the ICC profile but some pictures taken with Canon Picture Styles and Adobe RGB (1998) space color doesn't work well when they're embedded before showed on PhotoShelter. Despite the fact that the pictures were being taken with Adobe RGB (1998) space color, if they are embedded with sRGB or if they are not embedded at all before to be sent to PhotoShelter, the problem is solved. In this last case, they indicate the Adobe RGB (1998) space color into their profile but the Info does not show the expression "(embedded)" next to it.

- Some softwares like Photoshop CS2 and Digital Photo Professional give the option to embed or not the ICC profile when you are saving the picture. If you don't check the option, don't embed the ICC profile, the pictures have no further problems in PhotoShelter site. If you check the option and embed the ICC profile, they have the same problem showed when you edit them with PhotoMechanic.

I contacted the kind folks at PhotoShelter about this issue.  Could you please send an email to with the ID of an image that is not looking right?  They'll take a look at it and see what we all can do to solve the issue.



Offline marta

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Re: ICC profile
« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2007, 10:27:38 PM »

Thanks for contacting PhotoShelter, I will write them but I believe that Photo Mechanic should not embed the ICC profiles while cropping or resizing pictures.

If other softwares like CS2 and DPP do not embed ICC profiles without ask, why should PM does?

Just to illustrate, please take a look at the daily featured pictures from Reuters. Most of them have no embedded profiles. The decision about how to translate the color space using ICC profiles depends on the output and should be made later. 

Also there would be no problems with PhotoShelter once the pictures without embedded profiles show the right colors online.

Thanks for your patience.
