I met with a client last night and initially culled 130 photos from about 450 on a card. I didn't ingest the files at the time. I just opened a contact sheet (reading the card) and color coded the pictures. We then narrowed down the selection into a number of different sets for different reasons. My intention was to later copy the selected files onto a hard drive. However, it was late so I decided to leave it all to today. Unfortunately, when I returned this morning I discovered that my laptop decided to update last night
, which meant that Photo Mechanic was closed before I moved the selected photos to a hard drive. Although the laptop should have gone to sleep it didn't and the battery was fully drained. When I powered up my laptop and opened PM this morning all of my selections were gone.
Is there anyway to restore selections of files stored on a card if PM is closed before the files are moved off the card?
I'm using PM 5.0 (build 19395) on a Windows 10 laptop.