Author Topic: PM5 set gps coordinates function: Google notice "this page can't load correctly"  (Read 7844 times)

Offline Jan Normandale

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Yesterday / Oct 3rd my PM5 started getting a notice from Google maps when I was setting gps coordinates on my photographs. Has anyone else experienced this? Is there something I need to do to get the function working again? I’ve done a quick search over at Google and I’m not seeing this problem in any forum.

I’ve taken a screen shot of the issue and also png files of my computer plus the PM version I’m running

thanks , Jan
« Last Edit: October 04, 2018, 08:50:49 PM by Jan Normandale »

Offline Tony Hall

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You are not alone.

A quick web search reveals that Google has changed their maps platform and since June require developers to use a valid API key and have a Google Cloud Platform billing account in order to access their core products.

It may be something that can be fixed easily in an update to the current version of Photo Mechanic, or we may have to wait for the long long long awaited version 6.

I look forward to Camera Bits' reply.

I've altered my workflow to use Lightroom for this functionality.

Offline Kirk Baker

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You are not alone.

A quick web search reveals that Google has changed their maps platform and since June require developers to use a valid API key and have a Google Cloud Platform billing account in order to access their core products.

It may be something that can be fixed easily in an update to the current version of Photo Mechanic, or we may have to wait for the long long long awaited version 6.

I look forward to Camera Bits' reply.

I've altered my workflow to use Lightroom for this functionality.

What it means is what used to be a cost-free resource is now going to cost developers a per-use fee.  PM will have to be updated to access the Google Maps API with a developer account and associated API key.  Fortunately Google offers a fair number of accesses per month before they start charging developers per use.

We will be updating PM to use the Google Maps API with an API key.


Offline Jan Normandale

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Thanks Tony, I’ll check my version of LR / CS5 to see if I have a gps function. I just left LR because it took forever to load and was clunky for me as a user.

Hi Kirk

thanks for the information. I travel a great deal with a camera and use the GPS function to note where I took my shots. After a day then a week then three weeks on the road I have a record of my locations that were shot during travels.

I’m not a developer and if Google starts charging to use gps coordinates on their maps are there other providers like Bing etc that PM5 will facilitate? All my work is personal, I’m no developer and my work’s not commercial. So google has me locked out, what a great corporation.

Offline Kirk Baker

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The maps should be working again.  No new build of PM is needed.
