The way people have been doing this in the past is to lock those images that they want to ingest first and use the option in Ingest to only ingest locked files. Then they ingest again (incremental) the non-locked images.
But that involves viewing the images on the back of the camera and locking them in camera? That would take too much time and too many button presses (zooming in, scrolling to the area I want to check sharpness/focus etc, locking, then going to next image.. I need to view the images on a big screen to make sure they're sharp, and select about 30-40 images from both cameras.. I can't rely on the camera LCD to make my selections.. the quality isn't good enough to judge properly.
PM is quick (usually, having the slow issue with PM6) to just flick through and hit the T key to tag my selections, then I move them into a _selects folder.. Just thinking it would be an improvement to the ingest from selection to be able to ingest the selected images into one folder, and the rest into another, allowing you to start editing while the 'unselected' images are transferred and the card erased ready for the next shoot..
If for example, shooting a festival, there's a limited amount of time to transfer all the images from the card into one folder, make selections, move them to another folder.. and get them ready for uploading to the agency.. seems a no brainer for ingesting a selection straight from a card that the REST of the images should be transferred off the card so you can carry on shooting quickly, without losing the rest of the images that you didn't select...
Very useful for those that don't have the luxury of keeping the images on the card to go back to later, when you need to clear the card for a shoot immediately...
Just an idea for improvement.. It's similar to the 'secondary' destination folder, but allowing for 'selected' images to go into the primary destination, and the unselected images to be transferred into the secondary folder.. does no one think that's a good timesaving idea?
With the 'incremental' ingest - would that take into account images that have already been transferred, but to a different folder?
I'm thinking if I were to tag a selection then 'ingest from selection' - the files would be left on the card.. so naturally, incremental ingest would ignore those files if I ingested to the same location.. but if I changed the destination folder, would it import the images that were previously ingested to the different destination, as they don't exist in the new location?