Author Topic: Merging files/filenames from different folders  (Read 6289 times)

Offline T_om

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Merging files/filenames from different folders
« on: April 15, 2007, 12:04:58 PM »
We have three folders into which individual photographers files are ingested and renamed using the date/time variable producing file names like: "20070414-130638.cr2"

This works well, and if there are shot strings with the same final second, it appends an A, B or C as necessary.

However, we need to then take the files and copy them to a forth "master" folder containing all files from all three shooters.

I cannot make PM append a letter to THOSE files when I copy them to the master folder.  It tells me there is a duplicate file name problem, but I want it to retain the names and just add a letter if there is a duplicate, JUST like it does when first ingested.

Sorry to be such a newb with what I know will probably be a simple fix... but I can't find it.  :(


Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: Merging files/filenames from different folders
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2007, 12:36:33 PM »

We have three folders into which individual photographers files are ingested and renamed using the date/time variable producing file names like: "20070414-130638.cr2"

This works well, and if there are shot strings with the same final second, it appends an A, B or C as necessary.

However, we need to then take the files and copy them to a forth "master" folder containing all files from all three shooters.

I cannot make PM append a letter to THOSE files when I copy them to the master folder.  It tells me there is a duplicate file name problem, but I want it to retain the names and just add a letter if there is a duplicate, JUST like it does when first ingested.

Try using Ingest, but use the Folders option as the source.  Add all three of your folders to the list and then pick a single destination folder.



Offline T_om

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Re: Merging files/filenames from different folders
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2007, 04:20:38 PM »
Ah, INGEST... not rename.

I knew I was overlooking something very basic.

Thank you,
