Photo Mechanic Plus > Feature Requests

Collections fleshed out.


I can only assume that collections will be fleshed out a little more.  At this point you can only manually drag and drop images in them.  Having a way to have images automatically added would be a natural way to speed up the collection process.  Also adding the ability to nest or tree collections is a must. 

So far I have found it to be stable, but I have only put a couple of hundred images in there. 


--- Quote from: BCMielke on April 27, 2019, 07:29:58 AM ---I can only assume that collections will be fleshed out a little more.  At this point you can only manually drag and drop images in them.  Having a way to have images automatically added would be a natural way to speed up the collection process.  Also adding the ability to nest or tree collections is a must. 

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I hope you're talking about adding a feature for "Smart" Collections, not replacing regular "dumb" collections. Most of my DAM work in Media Pro relies on regular "dumb" collections, where the collection content is curated very precisely for specific uses.

Hayo Baan:

--- Quote from: syncrasy on April 27, 2019, 07:35:40 AM ---I hope you're talking about adding a feature for "Smart" Collections, not replacing regular "dumb" collections. Most of my DAM work in Media Pro relies on regular "dumb" collections, where the collection content is curated very precisely for specific uses.

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Yes, there should be support for both “dumb” and “smart” collections. And I'm sure, this is what the Camera Bits team envisions to offer in the future too.


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