Author Topic: z-order priority of the Keywords panel  (Read 3458 times)

Offline Graham1

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z-order priority of the Keywords panel
« on: July 23, 2019, 09:20:04 AM »
The Keywords panel will stay on top and overlap other panels, such as Find and Replace, even if the other panel is selected and given focus.  Would it be possible to give the Keywords panel the same z-order priority as, for example, the Find and Replace panel? As it stands, the Keywords panel is always on top: I would prefer (and I think it would be more usual) for the latest selected window to remain on top or (when selected) take top position.  The Keyword panel used to be on top over other programmes outside PM, which was fixed, but it still has too high priority in relation to other windows/panels within Photo Mechanic. 

Its z-order priority can have some strange consequences: recently I used the Keywords panel to apply some keywords, with the Keywords panel in the same position on the screen (central) as the confirmation dialogue box which pops up once the keywords have been applied.  The confirmation dialogue needs a press of enter to be dismissed, but the Keywords panel was on top and intercepted the keypress, so that the dialogue box could not be cleared.  The Keywords panel could not be moved to allow the use of the mouse to clear the dialogue box, because the dialogue box had focus.  There was no way round this conflict other than to forcibly terminate PM via the Windows Task Manager - hardly ideal!  The practical solution is simple, which it to make sure that the Keywords panel is always positioned away from the centre of the screen and will not cover the dialogue box when it pops up, but it would be better if the z-order could be fixed so that this cannot happen.

The Keywords panel will, similarly, stay on screen over the Metadata IPTC (Template) panel and it is not possible to move or dismiss the Keywords panel without first closing the Metadata IPTC (Template) panel.  Ideally, whatever panels/windows are open for the time being in PM should all behave in the same way, with the selected, active panel being on top of the others and then falling behind when another panel is clicked to make that panel have focus and become active. 


Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: z-order priority of the Keywords panel
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2019, 09:48:19 AM »

This is on Windows, right?  And you're talking about the Keywords panel and not the Structured Keywords panel, correct?



Offline Graham1

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Re: z-order priority of the Keywords panel
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2019, 10:00:44 AM »
This is on Windows, right?
Yes, Windows 10

And you're talking about the Keywords panel and not the Structured Keywords panel, correct?
Yes, I was.  Interestingly, the Keywords and Structured Keywords panels, between themselves, act as they should: whichever is selected goes to the top.  But both will always overlay Find and Replace, which cannot be brought to the front.  I had not noticed this with the Structured Keywords panel before: I guess I rarely have this open at the same time as I am using Find and Replace, whereas I almost always have both Find and Replace and the Keywords panels open together when I am revising keywords.


Offline Graham1

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Re: z-order priority of the Keywords panel
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2019, 01:22:39 AM »
These all play together nicely in the new Build 3558.  Thank you for fixing it.
