Ahhh... I wasn't envisioning displaying all subfolders at the top level. I meant to say the
catalogued folder(s),
i.e., Location(s) associated with a catalog, would be displayed at the top.
Let's say I have this path on my computer:
My Computer
My Documents
Business files
My business photography [catalog #1
location folder]
Raw files
Personal files
Family photographs [catalog #2
location folder]
Raw files
Then the Folder Path in the PM+ Browse panel would look like this:
My business photography>
Family photographsThat's more or less how Media Pro does it. It trims the tree so that the folder that's the immediate parent to the highest folder with a catalogued image is the top displayed folder. In Media Pro the UI represents a single catalog that can contain multiple
"locations" catalogued folders,
while in PM+, as I understand it, each catalog is tied to a single location,, while PM+ is a little more complex since the UI is used for multiple catalogs and their folders, but I think the result would be essentially the same, visually speaking.
Does that make more sense? Is that doable in a PM environment? Obviously there still could be an issue with similar or identical folder names, but at those higher parent levels, users should be using more descriptive names anyway.
But I'd also step back for a moment and take a look at a the PM+ UI overall. I think the Navigator and Organizer: Browse areas are doing duplicative work. I'll have to play with PM+ some more to state this with confidence, but I suspect the Favorites section and the Browse panel are in all likelihood redundant. I'm trying to envision a scenario in which my catalog folders were not my favorites, or vice versa, but I can't think of one. If I have to specify my catalog folders/locations by browsing for them using the Catalog Manager anyway, I don't need to see three separate representations of my folders or folder structure (Favorites, Navigator, Folder Path). One is enough. Yes, I know, "PM+" literally means PM "plus" catalog/organizer, but I don't know if I would use the Navigator to find an uncatalogued image somewhere on my computer, so I suspect the current UI might appear to be a compromise to veteran DAM users expecting a streamlined catalog experience. Of course I can just ignore the Navigator tab, so I will leave the product philosophy discussion for another day