Until now, I have been using Photo Mechanic to ingest the images from my Canon and Fuji, into Photo Mechanic. I don't know the correct term for this, but after I get rid of the obvious scrap images, I look at the remaining "picked" images, and left click on the one at the top left of my screen. This opens up a new screen, where I can view the images a little larger, and just use the down-arrow on my keyboard to go to the next image. After I've been through this for a while, I close this new window, taking me back to the original window, view the picked images, then view the un-picked images, click on one of them, then command-a to select all of them, and then I delete them. What's left, I usually import into Lightroom using the MOVE tool.
Today, I tried the same thing with a memory card from my Leica M8.2 camera. The images imported properly, but when I double-clicked on one, nothing happened.
If I'm doing something wrong, how can I do it properly?
If it's something due to the Leica file not being like the others, can I correct it?
Do I need to add something to PhotoMechanic so it properly works with my Leica images?
(Because of the nature of the camera, and that I treat it as if I was shooting film, I don't take all that many images with the Leica. I figure out how to get what I want, and take two or three at most. I'm a lot more careful. With my other cameras, I shoot a lot more, then narrow things down to one or two images. Bottom line, I don't need Photo Mechanic as much for my Leica, as I do with Nikon, Canon, or Fuji......)