Photo Mechanic Plus > Feature Requests

Rating HEIC images


I just downloaded the Beta and see that rating of images is still not possible. Will this be supported in future Betas? Will this be added for the next PM 6 update (or any future update)?

I converted an image to jpeg and see that PM can display much more metadata in the jpeg. It's obviously sitting hidden in the HEIC. Will this be improved in future Betas?

Thanks for working to support HEIC! New file formats are a pain.


Kirk Baker:

Yes, yes, and yes.

And you're right, new file formats are a pain, especially when devices create data in file formats that disobey the specification.


I just want to go on record and say that I am very grateful for having support (of any sort) for HEIC images in PM.  While I don't know that details, I'm pretty sure it's a pain, mostly because other vendors seem to avoid support completely and take the easy way out.

So ... thanks!


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