Thanks for your detailed and interesting discussion. I greatly appreciate your thoughts.
The problem, at least for me, arises because I am not a news media photographer. Rather, I come more from a Library of Congress (LOC) and Visual Resources of America (VRA) background. However, their classification and cataloging systems are oriented for a very different use that managing private digital image collections. Although there is a recent modification to the LOC system and the VRA has published their VRA Core, nether has been implemented in a form suitable for photographers who manage private collections and PCs. The IPTC is the best we have. Of course, many photographers use Lightroom. Personally, I much prefer Photo Mechanic--it just seems so much more intuitive and logical to me.
Your point that it is dangerous to put data into IPTC fields that are non-standard is well-taken. But on the other hand, for those of us who do not deal with agencies that require information in the IPTC format, it is not unreasonable to use some of the fields in a non-standard way. To put intellectual genre information that matches more closely the LOC standards into Keywords is counter-intuitive.
If CameraBits is marketing PM primarily to those working in the media then the points I raise are irrelevant and my suggestions can be ignored. But, If their market is also those of us from other, or no particular, background(s) and perspective(s), then perhaps we need to find a simple solution that is easy to implement and gives both sides an opportunity to use a great product without any significant effort on the part of the development team.
With these thoughts in mind here is one such suggestion, although I am sure there are other ideas as well.
Why not provide an opportunity in the PM Preferences to either (1) label the IPTC Template as custom or non-standard and not for commercial use for interchange of metadata, or (2) to change the title of the template to My Template or some such. If the IPTC standard input is left as it now is in the template, then adding a CV to , for example, the Genre with nothing but an asterisk indicating that this form is not standard for IPTC, we have the best of both worlds. One could go a step further and if the user were to select a non-standard template in the preferences, only then would be the non-standard CV be implemented.
I would very much like to see some discussion of this topic. If I am way off base, I am happy to find work-arounds in PM to meet my needs and not badger either the forum or the great staff at CameraBits with my non-standard ideas. However, if there is interest, I would be happy to be an active part of the discussion.
BuIn closing, I really believe that some attempt to meet either the VRA or the LOC FAST metadata formats would be very valuable to a large market. CameraBits is in the best position of any developer I know to capitalize on this market.