I don't think there is much to point you to unfortunately. In the next release (v5) they will have more automation support.
What can be done with the current version is to create a Work Queue (aka a Collection or a Grouping). These are stored simply as text files which makes it easier for other programs to create.
Work queues are stored in
C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\Application Data\bibble\work
and have a file name of "QueueName.work", so you might create a "PhotoMechanic.work" file and the contents are the full pathed names of the files:
J:\Media\Pictures\2007\01 - Jan\2007-01-21_aisling\NEF\2007-01-21_04835_aisling_d70s.nef
J:\Media\Pictures\2007\01 - Jan\2007-01-21_aisling\NEF\2007-01-21_04836_aisling_d70s.nef
J:\Media\Pictures\2007\01 - Jan\2007-01-21_aisling\NEF\2007-01-21_04837_aisling_d70s.nef
J:\Media\Pictures\2007\01 - Jan\2007-01-21_aisling\NEF\2007-01-21_04838_aisling_d70s.nef
The first line of the file has the queue name, then a blank line, then a list of file names.
The tighter integration would be for PM ratings to be picked up by Bibble. Does PM store ratings in the IPTC, if so in what field?
Thanks for your support on this! I think Bibble is gaining in popularity, so this integration would be great.
EDIT: Using the Export with Text template worked perfect.