Author Topic: XMP sidecar Preferences?  (Read 5106 times)

Offline Photo_op

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XMP sidecar Preferences?
« on: April 18, 2007, 06:40:18 PM »

I know you have posted the proper settings for the IPTC/XMP Preferences in other threads for those using an Adobe Lightroom workflow with PM, but I am having a problem getting PM to recognize adjustments made to RAWs in Lightroom and saved in XMP sidecars. I've attached a jpg preview of my current PM Preference settings (I could not get a snapshot to appear in this post). I've Exported the XMP setting to the RAW from Lightroom and the changes are previewed correctly when I open the selections in Bridge 2. Also, the numerical settings made to Exposure, etc. are identical when read in Lightroom and Bridge. Any suggestion on how to have PM render the RAWs with the XMP data?

Thanks in advance,


[attachment deleted by admin]
MacMini, 8 Meg RAM, OS X 10.8.2, PM 5, Lightroom 4.2, Sony 580, Fuji X10

Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: XMP sidecar Preferences?
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2007, 07:34:13 PM »

I know you have posted the proper settings for the IPTC/XMP Preferences in other threads for those using an Adobe Lightroom workflow with PM, but I am having a problem getting PM to recognize adjustments made to RAWs in Lightroom and saved in XMP sidecars. I've attached a jpg preview of my current PM Preference settings (I could not get a snapshot to appear in this post). I've Exported the XMP setting to the RAW from Lightroom and the changes are previewed correctly when I open the selections in Bridge 2. Also, the numerical settings made to Exposure, etc. are identical when read in Lightroom and Bridge. Any suggestion on how to have PM render the RAWs with the XMP data?

What you are requesting is just not possible.  PM does not render ACR/Lightroom settings.  They are proprietary and besides that, PM in general is not rendering RAW files.  The Mac OS X version can render RAW files, but it is only as shot settings, using the same renderer as Aperture uses (well we don't know for sure if they're the exact same renderer, but we use the library that Apple provides...)
