Win 10 PM+ V6.0 Build 5446
My apologies if I have mentioned this one before but I continue to stumble on it and make mistakes. This is not really a "plus" issue, but "plus" is what I am using.
The root issue is that the command "Tools / Update IPTC/XMP (from raw to jpeg)" does not update gps data even though the xmp file contains gps data.
This issue is further compounded by the fact that even though I have set my IPTC/XMP preferences to "When viewing photos in RAW+JPEG mode, use the metadata from the: RAW file", it doesn't do that for gps data. If I export data from a RAW/JPEG pair and the XMP file contains gps data (but not the JPEG), the gps data doesn't get exported. (The variables {latitude} and {longitude} are empty.)
However, if I remember to separate the RAW and JPEG files, and then select only the RAW files, then the gps data does get exported. But I shouldn't have to do that; it's too error prone.
An easier demonstration of the issue is, if the raw file contains gps data but the jpeg doesn't, then the "show map" option doesn't appear when the files are combined but does show on the RAW file (but not the jpeg) when the files are separated.
(The reason I end up with RAW files with gps data and jpegs without is that I add the gps data (File / Import GPS coordinates) soon after ingestion -- I only ingest RAW, while the jpeg is generated via another program well after that.)