Author Topic: edited caption problem  (Read 13998 times)

Offline hamiltonphoto

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edited caption problem
« on: February 10, 2007, 10:35:39 PM »

I think I had this problem last year & you suggested masking info....but I filed some pictures to a agency cilent in NZ last week & the edited captions were not appearing with the pictures only a preliminary one I prepared earlier.This same problem has ocuuered (last Year) with AP aswell....any help with this would be great as I have to file to the same agency next week again.Thanks in advance


Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: edited caption problem
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2007, 11:36:04 PM »

I think I had this problem last year & you suggested masking info....but I filed some pictures to a agency cilent in NZ last week & the edited captions were not appearing with the pictures only a preliminary one I prepared earlier.This same problem has ocuuered (last Year) with AP aswell....any help with this would be great as I have to file to the same agency next week again.Thanks in advance

You haven't given me a lot to go on...

What OS are you running?
What version of Photo Mechanic are you running?
What file type(s) are you captioning?

If the software that your clients are using prefers to read the caption data out of the Exif description tag, then that could be the problem since we do not put any data into the Exif description tag.  We put the caption data into IPTC data and/or XMP data.  Masking out Exif data would eliminate the possibility of their software reading the Exif description tag because it would no longer exist.  Their software would then need to be able to deal with IPTC or XMP.



Offline hamiltonphoto

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Re: edited caption problem
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2007, 03:12:16 PM »

OS 10.4.8
File types are standard jpeg

hope this helps further



Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: edited caption problem
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2007, 03:49:01 PM »

OS 10.4.8
File types are standard jpeg

What software is your client using?


Offline hamiltonphoto

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Re: edited caption problem
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2007, 09:55:27 PM »

I filed pictures to the same agency last night & the same problem is happening...they only see an original caption which is in the stantionary pad.When I have finalised editing in photoshop I then add additional info to this original caption,which I then save & go to the next file.I have used the the Mask operation to apply to Exif....from memory this was a temporary fix last year.Then I FTP the files from this edit folder to which the files are then sent to a folder called sent files on my desktop so I can refer to them at a later time.The strange thing I noticed this morning after I heard back from the agency that they only recieved files with the original caption info,is that these files in the sent folder only shows the original captions,but the files from the edit folder from which they were sent has the edited captions......

Am I doing some thing wrong here or is my software got a bug in it....

Sorry to be a pain but this is causing a great deal of grief & if I can't find a solution I may need to use another product,which I don't want to do as I do believe yours is better except for this major problem with agencies no seeing edited captions.....HELP

thanks in advance


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Offline hamiltonphoto

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Re: edited caption problem
« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2007, 10:06:12 PM »

I also asked them what software they used....they will try to get the answer this week,but assured me it is not their software & said that they have had problems with PM in the past & suggested I use Fotostation as they do.....I used it many years ago before I came across PM...but feel PM is the better option for ease & speed of use & FTP+editing+captioning is all in one unit...if you need any other info I will try to get it for you as I really need to fix this,as you can imagine

sorry to be a pain mate...please don't hesitate to get in contact


Offline hamiltonphoto

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Re: edited caption problem
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2007, 01:03:08 AM »

i've only just returned & not sure if you are available given the time would you mind emailing me or giving me another call....thanks & sorry i missed your I was out of coverage at the time.....


Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: edited caption problem
« Reply #7 on: March 06, 2007, 08:12:33 PM »
Everyone looking for the solution to Patrick's problem,

Patrick sent me some sample files.  They didn't have the caption he intended to have which was curious.

He had files on his system that had the proper captions and he had sent them via FTP As, and once uploaded, the files on the server didn't have the proper caption but what looked like an earlier version of the caption.

I think what has happened here is that Patrick had the option to Apply IPTC Stationery Pad checked which applied the caption from the IPTC Stationery Pad as the file was uploaded.  The IPTC Stationery Pad had a base caption from an earlier time and replaced his full caption.

Unchecking either the option in the FTP As dialog, or turning off the Apply checkbox on the Caption field will likely solve the problem.

Patrick is going to verify this when he gets a chance and hopefully we'll have full resolution to this issue.


Offline Andrew MacKay

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Re: edited caption problem
« Reply #8 on: April 15, 2007, 02:14:16 AM »
At a guess I'd say that patrick is sending to the same agency that I shoot for, I've been sending to them via PM for over a year with no problems. So it is likely that what kirk suggests is the problem.

Offline dsidaway

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Re: edited caption problem
« Reply #9 on: April 25, 2007, 02:32:46 PM »

I don't know if hamiltonphoto's problem has been solved but I thought I would tell you of a similar oddity that happened to me. Maybe it relates. I have a G4 550 MHz Powerbook, OS 10.4, PM, Photoshop CS.
Somewhere in the process of updating from 10.4 to 10.4.9, I lost the use of certain text fields in numerous applications. Specifically in PM, I had to resort to typing in any field but the caption field and then paste into the caption field. If I typed in the caption field, the first non-letter character would close the Info window and revert to last previously saved text (if any at all). In fact I could not even paste twice unless I closed the Info window between each pasting to save any changes. Sounds confusing, doesn't it. End result... I downgraded to OS 10.4 and all the bugs went away including similar issues in other apps. It seems to be an issue with my hardware and the version of OS X. Perhaps hamiltonphoto should boot up from an earlier version of OS X and make some tests. Just a thought.


Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: edited caption problem
« Reply #10 on: April 25, 2007, 03:00:46 PM »
I don't know if hamiltonphoto's problem has been solved but I thought I would tell you of a similar oddity that happened to me. Maybe it relates. I have a G4 550 MHz Powerbook, OS 10.4, PM, Photoshop CS.
Somewhere in the process of updating from 10.4 to 10.4.9, I lost the use of certain text fields in numerous applications. Specifically in PM, I had to resort to typing in any field but the caption field and then paste into the caption field. If I typed in the caption field, the first non-letter character would close the Info window and revert to last previously saved text (if any at all). In fact I could not even paste twice unless I closed the Info window between each pasting to save any changes. Sounds confusing, doesn't it. End result... I downgraded to OS 10.4 and all the bugs went away including similar issues in other apps. It seems to be an issue with my hardware and the version of OS X. Perhaps hamiltonphoto should boot up from an earlier version of OS X and make some tests. Just a thought.

Mr. Hamilton's problem was related to applying an IPTC Stationery Pad that changed his Caption field from its very specific caption to the fairly generic caption contained in the IPTC Stationery Pad.  Unchecking the Apply IPTC Stationery Pad checkbox solved his issue.

Yours I have seen before.  It is caused by the built-in spell checker.  I had a customer that I did some trouble-shooting on this issue and if he turned off the spellchecking feature for the Caption field, his problem went away.  We narrowed it down to a corrupted user dictionary file (it's where your Learn "blah blah"... words go.)  Removing the user dictionary file solved the problem.



Offline dsidaway

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Re: edited caption problem
« Reply #11 on: April 25, 2007, 06:29:26 PM »
Hmmm... sorry for shifting off topic here, Kirk, but you now have my interest. I ask because I had problems like the inability to initiate the send command when sending a new email in Mail (had to resort to web based email). This problem also affected iChat but not Adium (btw, a very good IM app if you don't need audio/video) and PM but not PS. As I mentioned, I downgraded to OS 10.4... everything returned to a working order but again when I upgraded directly to OS 10.4.9, all the problems returned. I would have thought that any corrupt file would not be a problem after doing a complete clean install and a direct upgrade from 10.4 to 10.4.9 or so I had hoped. The only dictionary I appear to be using is OS X's Dictionary app... you figure thats the culprit?

Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: edited caption problem
« Reply #12 on: April 25, 2007, 07:29:44 PM »
Hmmm... sorry for shifting off topic here, Kirk, but you now have my interest. I ask because I had problems like the inability to initiate the send command when sending a new email in Mail (had to resort to web based email). This problem also affected iChat but not Adium (btw, a very good IM app if you don't need audio/video) and PM but not PS. As I mentioned, I downgraded to OS 10.4... everything returned to a working order but again when I upgraded directly to OS 10.4.9, all the problems returned. I would have thought that any corrupt file would not be a problem after doing a complete clean install and a direct upgrade from 10.4 to 10.4.9 or so I had hoped. The only dictionary I appear to be using is OS X's Dictionary app... you figure thats the culprit?

The reason is that somehow the user dictionary file gets corrupted in such a way as to only affect newer OS versions.  The test I had him do was to open TextEdit and type some gobbledygook and as soon as he pressed the spacebar, TextEdit crashed.  There were messages in the console log that helped explain what was going on.  It was a while ago so I don't remember the exact nature of the errors.

Basically this problem affected all applications that were written in Cocoa and used an NSTextView.  Photo Mechanic, TextEdit, iChat and Adium are all Cocoa apps.  It may be that Adium doesn't use an NSTextView or they have a customized version that does not use the inline spell checker directly.

Deleting the user dictionary file solved the problem.



Offline dsidaway

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Re: edited caption problem
« Reply #13 on: April 25, 2007, 07:45:31 PM »

There's no smiley for a gold star but consider it given. Thanks loads.