Sadly, the Unreadable File Format has reared its ugly head again. The catalogue has been fine for a few days since I created the new all images version with about 660k images. I have been processing images in Lightroom, and in doing so I have rejected and deleted several: it makes sense to do this in Lightroom as I go along and I find an image that I do not want, or is not technically perfect, rather than go back to PM6+ and delete it from there. I made a few metadata updates (keywords) in Lightroom to some images I was processing as I went along before exporting the processed images as JPG files: again it makes sense to do that as I go along and the changes occur to me, particularly if I need them for the images I am in the course of processing. While I was processing only a relatively few files, because of the nature of the Lightroom catalogue the metadata changes would have affected a larger number of images which already had the same keywords in the Lightroom catalogue.
The processed images are exported as JPG files from Lightroom and are not included in either of the Lightroom or PM6+ catalogues: they are archived off - there is no point cataloguing the JPG files in the main catalogue of either application, because it is simple to recreate the JPG if I need it because all the processing metadata has been saved in the Lightroom catalogue and the keywords and other metadata are in both the Lightroom and (when synced) PM6+ catalogues for the original RAW files.
I knew, therefore, that the PM6+ catalogue would need updating, and ran the Sync Catalogs command after I had quit Lightroom. Having run this, the next time I looked at the File Type list in Browse, there were Unreadable File Format entries. Fortunately I had not cleared the Sync Catalogs panel. The Sync Catalogs panel showed that metadata had changed in 1118 files, which was exactly the same number of new Unreadable File Format files that had appeared in Browse. I attach screen grabs of both which show this. I also attach the latest support data log.
It seems clear, therefore, that changing metadata in Lightroom somehow makes the existing images already catalogued in PM6+ thereafter unreadable in PM6+. This is despite the metadata having been largely originally created in Lightroom, from use over many years, so one would not expect there to be any inherent incompatibility with PM6+: if PM6+ can read metadata and recognise the associated image files for files catalogued in Lightroom when the PM6+ catalogue is created, why does PM6+ not recognise the files after Lightroom has updated the metadata and PM6+ tries to sync it?
I hope this information helps you to get to the bottom of this.