I recently purchased PM+ for the catalog feature in the hope of transitioning away from my current DAM but unfortunately I'm finding it to be very sluggish. When browsing through file structures, the thumbnails take a take very long time to populate. For example, a folder containing 2,000 can take upwards of 5 minutes to populate all the thumbnails.
I started off with scanning all photos (~50K) into a single catalog but thinking that the catalog might too bloated, I split the photos over 20 catalogs with all having proxy images stored on the local drive but that made no difference. I've run the "Optimise SQL Query Planning" and still no difference.
I'm running it on a M1 Mac Mini, MacOS Big Sir, 16GB RAM, 500GB SSD. Photos are located on an external drive but like I said, I have proxy images stored on the local drive so I would have expected that the programme use those to populate the thumbnails. What am I doing wrong because surely a DAM this sluggish would not acceptable for release?
I would appreciate any other suggestion to try before I give up on using it.