Author Topic: Photo Mechanic Plus, build 5820  (Read 6485 times)

Offline Kirk Baker

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Photo Mechanic Plus, build 5820
« on: May 11, 2021, 02:59:01 PM »
Hello Everyone,

We are pleased to announce an update to Photo Mechanic Plus for macOS and Windows.  This new build of Photo Mechanic Plus addresses a number of issues present in the 5560 build.



On macOS, Photo Mechanic Plus requires Mac OS X 10.10 or higher  If you are using a Mac with macOS 10.9.x or older, you will need to upgrade to macOS 10.10 or higher to use Photo Mechanic Plus.

On Windows, Photo Mechanic Plus, requires a 64-bit edition of Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 10.  If you are using Windows Vista, XP, NT, 2000, ME, 98 or 95, you will need to upgrade to Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 10 in order to use Photo Mechanic Plus.

Photo Mechanic Plus (R5820) 05/11/2021

● Added: Catalog Sync now supports automatic creation of Collections representing Missing, Offline, and Newly Added files discovered during the Sync process.
● Added: Allow customization of Catalog Preview Proxy size.  If you change the size after having built a catalog, use the Full Sync mode of Catalog Sync to update your proxy images.
● Added: Map Location Search command on Catalog menu.  Makes it easy to view all images (that have GPS coordinates) within a specified distance from a chosen location.
● Added: "Calculate Catalog Folder Size" button was added in the catalog options in Catalog Management to provide info about how much space is being taken by the database vs. the proxies.
● Added: Show/Reveal in Collections command on the contextual menu in the contact sheet and Preview window which will list the collections (if any) that the item belongs and will allow you to display that collection directly.
● Added: Optimize slow Catalog folder search.
● Added: Revert button for contact sheets that have been refined via 'Only Search Contact Sheet Items'.  Reverts to the results prior to the refined queries.
● Added: Catalog reintegrate should do better when volume path changes.  Reintegrate Forgotten Catalog will now search mounted volumes for folder hierarchies matching the original disk if the original disk is not found. This also improves support for moving catalogs between different machines and Operating Systems.
● Added: Retain currently selected image(s) with widened queries in the same Catalog-based Contact Sheet tab.
● Added: Retain size of the Active Catalogs pane in the Organizer between launches.
● Added: SFTP Connections - Add option to force Key-Based Authentication.
● Added: New 'From Clipboard' button in Set GPS Coordinates dialog that interprets text as GPS coordinates.
● Added: Support for transparent layer for TIFFs.  User-defined background color.
● Added: “Add to Master” keyword list button to the Keywords panel which changes to “Overwrite Master” when the Modifier Key (Shift on Windows, Option on macOS) is held down.  Add to Master will add the current list of keywords to the Master Keywords list.  Overwrite will confirm that you want to replace the entire Master Keywords list with the list of keywords in the Keywords panel.
● Added: “Load from Master” button in the Keywords panel now has a Modifier Key alternative that will “Merge from Master” which will only add the keywords from the Master Keywords list that don’t already exist in the Keywords panel.
● Added: XMP is now embedded directly into HEIC and HIF files rather than using an XMP sidecar file.
● Added: Allow fine grid when rotating a crop to be turned off.  When the overlay grid is enabled it will be shown instead.  If the overlay grid is also turned off, then no grid will be shown when rotating.
● Added: iPhone 12 Max DNG file support. DNG files previously damaged from earlier versions can be fixed by using the Revert TIFF-based RAW command.
● Added: Evaluate variables when Pasting IPTC snapshot to selected photos.  Sequence, and Code Replacements are also evaluated.
● Added: Treat WAV files as a known file type, for purposes of renaming and playback when they're not attached to an image.
● Added: Rotate PMLib.log at startup.
● Fixed: Renaming files with Find and Replace not updating Catalog correctly.
● Fixed: Choose New Location in Organizer Folder Path tree may be appending a duplicate path component.  No longer allows a sub-folder to be chosen as a new location for a parent folder.
● Fixed: Catalog Sync incorrectly using sparse records to update metadata.  Fixes the “Unreadable File Format” issue.
● Fixed: Label variable not evaluating in Metadata Info dialog.
● Fixed: Unable to copy or edit multiple photos, "Getting metadata" never completes.
● Fixed: Contact Sheet view filters don't persist in Catalog-based tabs.
● Fixed: Metadata field popup menus remove all instances of a string, including substring matches.
● Fixed: Inconsistent Catalog menu items (Sync Catalogs... and Manage Catalogs...)
● Fixed: Software Update link to download latest build is not HTTPS.
● Fixed: Fixed: Unable to Import Uploader connection settings when no overall template setting exists.
● Fixed: Rename examples do not show effect of 'Renaming method' in Files page of Preferences, specifically the always add digit/letter variants.
● Fixed: Fixed issue with expanding XMP in HIF files.
● Fixed: Wrong height/width for some DNG files (Apple proRAW).
● Fixed: Unable to save BMP as JPEG.
● Fixed: Duplicate XMP is now ignored in TIFF-based RAW files.
● Fixed: Duplicate Image Description, Artist and Copyright tags are now ignored.
● Fixed: Command Line activation no longer interrupted by the presence of Photo Mechanic 5 activation file.
● Fixed: Crop cursor not updating when cursor moved to different regions of the active crop.
● Fixed: FTP v6 upload template folder column browser now displays full path.
● Fixed: Maintain state of Incremental Ingest when switching from 'From Selection' back to Disks.
● Fixed: Large /etc/hosts file can prevent launch.

● Added: New keyboard shortcuts.  Command-B will add (include) the selected images to the current Collection.  Command-Ctrl-A will add the selected images to the current catalog(s) set to add/modify.  Command-Ctrl-S will subtract (remove) the selected images from the current catalog(s) set to add/modify.  Command-B no longer burns photos to disc.
● Added: Buttons to allow stepping between video frames.
● Added: New Export Video Clip feature.  Users can set a poster frame (start) and then move the slider to the end point and export the range of video as a new video clip.
● Added: New command-line switch to output the machine ID. --machine or -m will produce the machine ID.
● Added: Contact Sheet toolbar becomes multi-line when there isn't enough room for all of the controls on a single line.  Only the right-hand group is moved to the next line.
● Fixed: New catalog contact sheet tabs (Search, Browse, Filter, Collection) sort popup menu shows "Capture Time" and not the default sort type.
● Fixed: Loupe Cursor does not show preview after switching from another application.
● Fixed: Collections with non-ASCII characters not displayed correctly in contextual menu.
● Fixed: Pasting into catalog search requires hitting 'Return' key twice to initiate search.
● Fixed: Images with certain embedded profiles do not print.
● Fixed: macOS Big Sur: Unable to select radio button when mouse pointer is over lower half.
● Fixed: Save As/Copy photos snapshots don't save/restore correctly.

● Added: New keyboard shortcuts.  Control+B will add (include) the selected images to the current Collection.  Control+Alt+A will add the selected images to the current catalog(s) set to add/modify.  Control+Alt+S will subtract (remove) the selected images from the current catalog(s) set to add/modify.  Control+B no longer burns photos to disc.
● Added: New command-line switch to output the machine ID. /machine will produce the machine ID.
● Fixed: Catalog tabs do not use default Sort method in Contact Sheet Preferences.
● Fixed: Opening File picker from Metadata windows always goes to 'This PC'.
● Fixed: Legacy MAX_PATH limitation.
● Fixed: Export templates failing to copy folders.
● Fixed: Opening a contact sheet on a server share produces a contact sheet window with no tab.
● Fixed: Drag and drop opening of a server share folder fails with an error.
● Fixed: Drag folder from Navigator to Favorites is not creating a Favorites entry.
● Fixed: Contact Sheet path doesn't update after folder move in Navigator and Favorites.
● Fixed: Cannot unpack certain preferences files.  When preferences are exported with SMTP settings, the .PMX file cannot be unpacked.

On Windows, you may see a window like the following appear when you try to install:

This is due to our recently updated code signing certificate.  As long as you see Camera Bits, Inc. as the publisher, you can trust the installer and choose "Run anyway".  In time, as our certificate gains trust by Microsoft Defender, these warnings will cease to occur.