Author Topic: PM Corrupting EOS 1Ds raw images?  (Read 5020 times)

Offline mfryd

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PM Corrupting EOS 1Ds raw images?
« on: April 24, 2007, 01:30:02 PM »
I'm having trouble with raw files from a Canon 1Ds becoming corrupted when Photomechanic touches the images.

I've seen the problem when applying Color Class to images on a contact sheet, or when updating the IPTC info in the images.

I only have raw files (.tif extension).  I do not have RAW + JPEG.  I have asked PM to render the raw files for preview so I am not limited to the small preview embedded in the raw file.

The symptom that I see is that after altering information, PM gets confused and shows two thumbnails for each image, one for the raw file, and one for the embedded preview.  If I quit/restart PM, I'm back to seeing only one thumbnail, but PM now sees only the low rez preview, and not the full resolution raw file.  Once this has happened, PhotoShop is no longer able to open the RAW file, it complains about encountering an unexpected EOF.

Anyone else seen symptoms like this with an EOS 1Ds?   Any ideas as to what's going on?  The camera belongs to a friend, and he recently acquired it used.  Is it possible that this is being caused by something wrong with the camera?

Fortunately, I had not erased the cards, so I was able to recover all images.  I've taken to viewing the images in PM, and just making a list of 'good' images.  I then move those to a seaparate folder, and open them in photoshop.

Thanks for any advice,

PowerBook G4, Mac OS 10.4.9, PhotoMechanic and PhotoMechanic 4.5

Offline dennis

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Re: PM Corrupting EOS 1Ds raw images?
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2007, 11:08:37 AM »

Unfortunately I believe this is due to a problem with using Apple's ImageIO to render the 1D RAW and you will want to avoid having PM do this (meaning you will be stuck with the small preview) in PM  This problem was specific to the 1D RAW because ImageIO couldn't deal with modified 1D RAW files PM would attempt to restore the file to its pre-modified state.  Apple has since fixed this ImageIO problem with 10.4.9 and PM 4.5 has more intelligence about dealing with the ImageIO version.  You could shoot RAW + JPEG and then PM will use the JPEG for previewing, or you can switch to 4.5 which has a fix for this issue.  I believe there is also a custom function for the 1Ds which will create a much larger JPEG preview than the tiny thumbnail and perhaps this will be sufficient for RAW only.  One other issue is that if you are captioning with the Photographer/Byline less than 4 chars then 4.5 has a problem which is fixed for the upcoming 4.5.1 update (so if you are using your initials for example, just add an extra space to make 4 chars).


Offline dennis

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Re: PM Corrupting EOS 1Ds raw images?
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2007, 12:16:07 PM »

I've updated PM 4.5.1 in development to be able to repair these damaged files via the Revert TIFF-based RAW command.  The reason it doesn't work in or 4.5 is that PM doesn't think these are 1D TIFF files any longer and the Revert command wouldn't touch the files.  The update will again recognize these as 1D TIFF files and proceed with the Revert.  I've tested this on a handful of files and it seems to work fine.  Please contact me privately for a link to the beta to verify.
