Author Topic: iOS version of Photo Mechanic  (Read 25421 times)

Offline PNM

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Re: iOS version of Photo Mechanic
« Reply #15 on: December 15, 2022, 03:08:35 PM »
It seems to me that the macOS is moving more in the direction of the iOS to have more continuity between platforms (see macOS Ventura). It just makes sense to start developing an iOS version that would include the basic functions of renaming, IPTC data, tagging, etc. Also incorporating a link to iCloud for uploading.

Offline Gnordimer

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Re: iOS version of Photo Mechanic
« Reply #16 on: December 20, 2022, 09:35:22 AM »
I am a wildlife photographer and I travel extensively to remote areas where there is no wifi and no internet. For several years I have been hoping for a iOS version of PM as it would allow me to quickly cull, rate and keyword my images without lugging a laptop into the middle of nowhere.  It might allow me to bring an extra lens.  I don't have time to edit photos while on the road, so this is always dealt with when I return home.  To me, the most important features would be: ingest, cull, rate, keyword.

Please, please, please, create an iOS version of PM.

Offline GuiG

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Re: iOS version of Photo Mechanic
« Reply #17 on: December 21, 2022, 01:48:03 AM »
I am a street photographer. And I always try to travel light. It would be a tremendous help if I could do my ingest on an Ipad or even an iPhone. I use pCloud to store my files and I can easily upload them to the service.
I have an iPad with enough storage to initially import and store the files, and when I arrive at a location to upload them, I will.

For me, the essential thing is importing, adding metadata, including captions and grading them.
I will edit the files when I arrive home and have access to my MacBook.

So please add an ios version that can edit the metadata and import the files or rename them when stored on the internal storage.

Thank you!

Offline pixel5

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Re: iOS version of Photo Mechanic
« Reply #18 on: May 02, 2023, 10:02:28 AM »
I want to add my voice on this subject by saying whoever can make an app for iPad OS that does the following first will get almost any amount of money they ask me for:

  • Ingest images from SD card to an external drive without taking up space on the iPad's internal storage
  • Sort them into folders based on code replacements
  • Apply metadata template upon ingest
  • Rate/flag
  • Send to editor of my choice

The first item is key. So many PM users are sports photographers and we're shooting 2000+ images per event, a solution that only works if the photos are kept on internal storage is not acceptable. LumaFusion has apparently found a way to do this, and rumors are so has RAW Power (which I might try soon).

Offline webpublius

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Re: iOS version of Photo Mechanic
« Reply #19 on: May 16, 2023, 01:51:37 PM »
I want to add my voice on this subject by saying whoever can make an app for iPad OS that does the following first will get almost any amount of money they ask me for:

  • Ingest images from SD card to an external drive without taking up space on the iPad's internal storage
  • Sort them into folders based on code replacements
  • Apply metadata template upon ingest
  • Rate/flag
  • Send to editor of my choice

The first item is key. So many PM users are sports photographers and we're shooting 2000+ images per event, a solution that only works if the photos are kept on internal storage is not acceptable. LumaFusion has apparently found a way to do this, and rumors are so has RAW Power (which I might try soon).

It may depend on the iPad version and connector.  With a iPad Pro, I am able to use a usb-C dock that has card reader and drag the files directly to my attached Sandisk Extreme SSD.  It is very fast using the "Files".

Offline webpublius

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Re: iOS version of Photo Mechanic
« Reply #20 on: May 16, 2023, 02:08:26 PM »
I will add my voice to the request.

I shoot for a global NGO and  travel internationally on trips that may be as long as 3 weeks long. I made the decision recently to go iPad Pro only for international travel. It has worked well except for the photo workflow. As others have mentioned there is little that is available to edit metadata.

I desperately need some option to handle:
  • batch application of metadata to images
  • flag/rate
  • add to the correct catalogs for PM+

Ideally it would be possible:
  • to use the metadata template files built from the desktop version.
  • to save the metadata in sidecar files
It would make the 30-hour travel days much more productive. 

Shoot Fuji primarily and shoot Raw/jpeg 96% of the time.

Offline stehsegler

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Re: iOS version of Photo Mechanic
« Reply #21 on: June 04, 2023, 07:28:05 PM »
Signed up to the forum just to ad my voice as well. My use case is as follows:

What I shoot:
- Sports / events while in the road
- approx 2,000 - 3,000 images per day
- shoot both raw and jpg

Workflow currently:
1) using a laptop in the field
2) backup cards to folder system on external SSDs sorted by event, shoot days and camera body
3) use Photo Mechanic to quickly cull photos on SSD from each day and apply meta data (ratings, copyright etc).
4) pick 5 to 10 selects for client / art director to see progress and discuss adjustments
5) one or two photos might get treatment in Photoshop if there is time
6) culled photos are deleted of SSD
7) when I get back to the office everything in ingested into Lightroom Classic, post processed and then loaded to Photo Shelter for client delivery.

I found dealing with a MacBook Pro in the field increasingly painful and would love to use my iPad Pro with Apple silicon.

I've looked at Lightroom in combination with Creative Cloud but it's utterly inadequate for shoots with thousands of photos. I've searched high and wide and there is nothing on the market that:

- allows you to work off an external hard drive
- treats RAW and JPG files as pairs
- allows you quickly work with large number of images
- has the ability to manage metadata

FYI, I have no interest in an iOS version running on a phone. I am only referring to an iPad OS version of Photo Mechanic.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2023, 03:01:46 AM by stehsegler »

Offline MarkBennett

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Re: iOS version of Photo Mechanic
« Reply #22 on: September 21, 2023, 05:58:34 PM »
My laptop is getting old, and so is my iPad Pro. Rather than replace them both, PM on a new iPad Pro (the big one, like I have now) would save me so much hassle when I travel on an assignment. I currently bring both, with the MacBook coming along, basically, only for photo ingestion (cull/sort/rank). I then use Capture One for processing, but that seems to be available for the iPad, and I don't intend to do massive editing of anything; just enough to show or send an early edit. At my desktop I'll do the photographic heavy lifting, so I'd love to forego the heavy lifting of carrying the laptop (and power supply).

(That was kinda clunky, but you get my drift.)

Offline Max Lemesh

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Re: iOS version of Photo Mechanic
« Reply #23 on: September 25, 2023, 08:06:00 AM »
I recently started dumping photos to external SSD between shoots, files app works well, but so does Finder on Mac.
Would be great to have a familiar tool on the road with all the things we love about PM.

Offline cliffetzelphoto

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Re: iOS version of Photo Mechanic
« Reply #24 on: January 13, 2024, 11:34:31 AM »
Late to the game in my request for 2024

I'm in a similar boat.   Even though I have a nicely spec'd M1 MacBook Air (16GB RAM, 1TB internal storage) and my M1 iPad Pro has the same specs.  The latter sits all the time due to what I consider a lack of proper workflow for editing images (The amount of hoop jumping to get images onto an external SSD for editing is infuriating IMO.)

I have wanted a version of PM for my iPad Pro since before the pandemic.  I already have a workflow process for a DIY cloud storage solution when editing individual images in Affinity Photo that bypasses all the Adobe Ransomeware garbage of LR and Photoshop (iCloud AND my Synology NAS).  Having an efficient way to cull my documentary and street images when traveling would be ideal.  As it stands now, I still end up using my MacBook Air even though I prefer the tactile experience of the iPad Pro.

A limited feature set that doesn't entail a monthly or yearly subscription is my other request as I paid one time for the Affinity Suite.  Adobe and C1 are not my thing.  I dont' want to be constantly nickled and dimed to death and given the folks at Camera Bits are north of me by 90 min, I'd love to show them some more local financial love by supporting them in any way I can. 

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE develop for the iPad Pro!!!

Cliff Etzel
Documentary & Street Photographer
(541) 514-2763
Also a late reply to an old thread but I’d love a version for my iPad Pro; I’m getting older and carrying that verses a laptop is a huge difference. I’m a documentary photographer rep’d by ZUMA Press and I am working to travel as light as possible; even on local stuff. I can’t imagine others, even younger folks, would pass the chance to ditch traveling with a laptop in favor of an iPad. To be able to easily enter IPTC data on an iPad would be a dream. Please?!

Thanks in advance, it would be a great New Year surprise!
J. Matt
Cliff Etzel - Photographer, Storyteller, Humanitarian

Offline Gnasher42

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Re: iOS version of Photo Mechanic
« Reply #25 on: November 15, 2024, 08:19:00 AM »
Hi there, I just want to add my voice to this. I too would love PM on an iPad. I would want to use it when travelling for the first and or second pass of photo selection so I could rate the photos and reduce post trip workflow. For me personally trying to edit on an iPad is just too cumbersome, I would like to use a small iPad just for tagging, rating and backing up to SSD so I am ready to get going on my return.