Hello at Photo Mechanic,
since moving to PM6 from PM5 our staff members have issues including myself with sending images with the Enable TLS options (port 990 enabled) with FTPv6 uploader. It worked for a while then stopped.
If I understand correctly this option will hide our password from sniffing. Because we had issues with this set-up we went back to not using this feature and send out our images without the Enable TLS option.
Our IT dept has asked me to test out some other FTP clients (Transmit 5.0 and Filezilla fro mac) and these 2 FTP clients are able to connect to our servers with the above setting FTP implicit over TLS port 990. With FileZilla it looks like TLS 1.2 is used.
This now puts the spotlight on PhotoMechanic.
Can you tell me why PM would not be able to connect ? The message from FTP uploader is : "unable to fetch folders from server, please check your connectino settings"
I’m relaying info to the IT dept as they don’t use PM at all.
Best regards,