Author Topic: Losing tag when a file is opened to edit.  (Read 3569 times)

Offline Thomas S. England

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Losing tag when a file is opened to edit.
« on: May 02, 2007, 11:47:43 AM »
When I have a group of images tagged, and I choose to open one in Photoshop, then close it, suddenly it is no longer tagged.

I have to switch the view to the Untagged images, find it, and re-tag it.

Bit of a pain, is there are better way?
Thomas S. England
Decatur GA 30030

Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: Losing tag when a file is opened to edit.
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2007, 11:59:39 AM »

When I have a group of images tagged, and I choose to open one in Photoshop, then close it, suddenly it is no longer tagged.

I have to switch the view to the Untagged images, find it, and re-tag it.

Bit of a pain, is there are better way?

In the Files tab of the Preferences dialog, near the bottom is a popup menu that has the following text preceding it: "Add tag, color class, and rating to IPTC/XMP:"  Change the popup menu to read "For all photos".  You may still need to re-tag your photos one more time to get the edits to be represented inside the IPTC/XMP metadata before you will see the effect take place.  After that, editing in any IPTC/XMP preserving application will no longer cause your edits to be lost.
