Author Topic: Simple batch-edit of multiple images / Auto-Sync option for selected images  (Read 3888 times)

Offline dadri

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I really would like to assign a caption to multiple pictures at once without using the metadata template.

I already use the local template from Ingest menu for some overall general metadata and the global one during upload/saving for some general metadata depending on the export target (agency / customer /...). So fiddling with the templates leads to a back and forth between the different templates especially if I'm on location and want to deliver fast.

In other tools you could just select multiple images(, activate auto-sync or sth. like that,) and enter the caption for those selected images the same way as you would do it for a single image.
Just to make it clear: This should not lead to a full sync, but only sync the edited field. So if I change the description of one image, while auto-sync is enabled and several images are selected, all selected images should get the entered description, but keywords, headline or other fields should not be synced then.

Offline Jeff Vogan

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Re: Simple batch-edit of multiple images / Auto-Sync option for selected images
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2022, 08:24:16 AM »
I think that I understand your request.  I believe a solution to your requirement is to use Metadata (ITPC) Snapshot feature.  Make the required change to one image, then right-click, select Metadata (ITPC) Snapshot > Take.  Then select the images you want the changes to apply to, select Metadata (ITPC) Snapshot > Paste

Offline dadri

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Thank you for your suggestion.  :)
This helps a bit with my case. The downside is that (almost) all metadata fields get copied, but sometimes e.g. only the caption or only some keywords needs to be the same for multiple images.

Offline ahoward

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Select the images you want to add a caption to. Open up the Metadata Template and then click the Clear button. Type your caption in the Caption field (and keywords if necessary) and click 'Apply Template to Selected'. All of your selected images are now updated with the caption without the rest of the metadata being changed. If the template was filled out with information you will need later before you click the clear button, make a snapshot (using the lightning bolt in the bottom left of the Metadata Template window) before clearing it so you can easily load it back up. This would all happen without touching the contents of the local template.

Offline dadri

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Just googled for a solution to the same requirement and by chance my own post here came up again. 😂

... then click the Clear button. ... If the template was filled out with information you will need later before you click the clear button, make a snapshot (using the lightning bolt in the bottom left of the Metadata Template window) before clearing it so you can easily load it back up. ...

Thank you for your hint.

Unfortunately this takes "forever", considering I have only a few minutes to process dozens of images and always have information in the template, that I need again later (for every upload).

I just realized... This would be a viable solution, if my other suggested feature would be implemented: Local Upload Metadata Template(s).

Offline ahoward

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Just googled for a solution to the same requirement and by chance my own post here came up again. 😂

... then click the Clear button. ... If the template was filled out with information you will need later before you click the clear button, make a snapshot (using the lightning bolt in the bottom left of the Metadata Template window) before clearing it so you can easily load it back up. ...

Thank you for your hint.

Unfortunately this takes "forever", considering I have only a few minutes to process dozens of images and always have information in the template, that I need again later (for every upload).

I just realized... This would be a viable solution, if my other suggested feature would be implemented: Local Upload Metadata Template(s).

Local Templates for the file uploader window were added to the new version of Photo Mechanic in October of 2024: