Author Topic: Editing GPS data procedure  (Read 3188 times)

Offline AnnieP

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Editing GPS data procedure
« on: January 18, 2023, 10:15:35 AM »
When I check my photos to see if all have GPS data, here are the steps I follow:

Go to Edit-> Select all Photos with GPS. Then I Invert the selection. Then I go to View->Selected.
This gives me all the photos without GPS.
Then I select a group, and apply GPS to them. Once the group is edited; the remaining photos without GPS disappear. I am left with the already edited photos.

So I have to go back and redo all steps in order to edit the remaining photos.

Is there any way that the EDITED photos can be removed from the group, leaving the photos that still need GPS data?

Also, is there any way to COPY GPS data from one photo to another? That would be a tremendous help!

Thank you.

Offline ahoward

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Re: Editing GPS data procedure
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2023, 12:47:10 PM »
If you aren't using Color Labels, Star Ratings, or tags yet, I think utilizing one of these will allow you to speed up this process a bit. Here are the steps I suggest if you want to use the color label (tags work slightly differently so I can explain if you need):

First, choose a color label to represent "Has GPS"
Then, choose "Select Photos with GPS" as you've been doing, and mark those files with a color label.
Next, in the filters above the Contact Sheet, click the color that you've chosen, and all items which were given that label will be hidden. You'll be left with only images that do not have GPS coordinates.
Apply coordinates to the next batch, then apply your color label (definitely make a note of the keyboard shortcut for setting the color you want if you don't already have that memorized), and then hit Command+/ to refresh the Contact Sheet. The color labeled images will disappear and you'll again have only the images without GPS coordinates.

As far as Copying and pasting. The easiest way I could think of was to do the following:

Go to Edit -> Settings -> Set Info Text
In the text box of the window that appears, enter the following variables, each on their own line (if you're doing this often, you may want to put it at the top of this text box so that it is the first info that you see):

Then, accept the change. Now, when you open the Preview window, in the info panel on the top right, you'll see the GPS coordinates from your image. Select the text and hit Command+C to copy. Then in the "Set GPS coordinates" window, click "From Clipboard" and it should fill in your coordinates. It would probably make sense if we had a "Copy" button in the dialog itself, but this is the best method I could think of in the current state of the app.

Hope that helps!

Offline AnnieP

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Re: Editing GPS data procedure
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2023, 02:00:46 PM »
I will definitely try the color coding. Sounds like it will do the trick.

I've got the long/lat put into the Info Text box. I copy it. But when I try to fill the GPS info, it doesn't appear to change anything. I still end up with zero's in the coordinate boxes. I know that it's copied, tho, because I can paste it elsewhere: Latitude: 31.07086° N
                            Longitude: 87.42391° W
It's interesting, too, that the latitude/longitude formats are different in the Info Text than what appears on the Map itself. I never noticed that before.

Any suggestions as to what I might be doing wrong?

Many thanks for the help!

Offline ahoward

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Re: Editing GPS data procedure
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2023, 02:32:15 PM »
Any suggestions as to what I might be doing wrong?

From what you pasted, it looks like you put

Latitude: {latitude}
Longitude: {longitude}

Rather than:


Which will give you the proper format for pasting.

The GPS format of the Info Text window should follow the format that is set in the GPS section of Photo Mechanic's preferences. I believe the format in the Show Map window will just show whatever format you choose. In my experience it didn't matter if you pasted from a different format, it filled it in appropriately, but definitely test that out before trusting that. You can also just change the option in Preferences to be in the format that you find the easiest to read.

Offline AnnieP

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Re: Editing GPS data procedure
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2023, 02:58:21 PM »
I didn't read your original instructions closely. Thanks for your patience! It works just fine.

Changing the GPS settings in Preferences only changes the format of the GPS in the Info Text; it doesn't appear to do anything to the Map window GPS. But that's fine.

Thanks much for your help. I'm glad I took the time to ask the questions. This will save me a lot of time.

Offline ahoward

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Re: Editing GPS data procedure
« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2023, 03:15:13 PM »
Awesome, glad this was helpful. Just to clarify, the "Set GPS coordinates" has a "coordinate format" dropdown which is independent from your choice in the Preferences window. The "Show Map" window will always show the format that Google maps wants to show it in, but the Info text window is still there so that shouldn't be too much of an issue.

Lastly, in case you haven't seen this feature yet, if you are adding GPS coordinates to new images that you're taking (rather than going through an archive of old images) you might be able to avoid *all* of this work in the future by recording a GPS track and then importing it:

Anything that can create a GPX file would help here. You don't need to buy an expensive GPS tracker, I've used the Gaia GPS and other smartphone apps to do it.

Offline AnnieP

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Re: Editing GPS data procedure
« Reply #6 on: January 18, 2023, 04:46:40 PM »
These are OLD photos, taken when I wasn't being quite so compulsive about location. Now, my phone/camera automatically embed the GPS data in each photo.

Again, your comments were a huge help! Wish I had asked sooner.