Excellent, thanks a lot!
Lastly, I've been reading and testing quite a bit but haven't really found what I was looking for. Is there any way to have structured keyworks work from PM= to Lightroom and from Lightroom to PM+ without ending up with a bunch of duplicates?
Are the keyword paths being duplicated (whole path or partial path), or just the individual keywords along the path?
Here's a screenshot of a Jpeg exported from lightroom.
The image had structured keywords applied in PM+ with seperators between keyworkds in the path so they appear "in a tree / folder style" inside PM+.
Then I imported it in Lightroom, did not change anything and exported a jpeg with all metadata and the "write keywords as Lightroom hierarchy" option ON. If I leave that option OFF than only the individual keywords without seperators are written.
So as you can see from the screenshot, the Structured Keywords are still there but they have duplicates as single keywords.
Just trying to figure out what is the best approach to not mess things up.