Photo Mechanic > Code Replacements

Code Replacements don't change over


I've got a Code replacement file, that basically checks a field we use to declare a sport and then puts in the sport shortcut with the number I type to help me shorten things I have to type.

So I type =11= and it replaces it with =={category:lc}#2=11= which should render out =sc11= with the variable run. When I advance to the next photo and come back, I find =sc11= sitting there instead of the player name that should be there as the replacement for =sc11=. I can then jump back and forth between photos, but it never renders =sc11= our to the code replacement I want.

Is there a way to fix that?

Have you set your delimiter character to be the = character on the computer where this is an issue?

See our support document on the topic here:

Scroll down to the the "Setting Code replacements" section

Yep I've got it using = for all code replacements. It's not that it won't do it, it just won't render the code replacement buried in the first code replacement.


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