Good morning
I'm still hoping for some help with my "Moving to a new Mac" post from a couple of days back but, in the meantime, there's an odd behaviour entering the variable {fbas} into some fields in the metadata panel where an extra set of curly brackets is added a fraction of a second after the last bracket is typed or after pasting the complete expression. Cmd-z removes the extra brackets. This doesn't happen with typing or pasting {filename}.
I've attached a screenshot of the Image Rights panel. You'll see that 5 of the fields have double brackets but 3 have single brackets but the same text was pasted into each. I see similar behaviour in most of the other panels.
Mac Studio Max OS 14.1.1
Photo Mechanic Plus Version 6.0, build 6890 (ffcbb4c)
Perhaps some autocorrect operation on my Mac is behind this but as it only happens in some PM+ fields & not in any other app that I've so far tried PM+ seems to be a more likely cause.
David Hoffman