Author Topic: Photo Mechanic 6, build 7212  (Read 2890 times)

Offline Kirk Baker

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Photo Mechanic 6, build 7212
« on: August 14, 2024, 03:52:09 PM »
Hello everyone,

We are pleased to announce an update to Photo Mechanic 6 for macOS and Windows.  This new build of Photo Mechanic 6 addresses issues present in the 7102 build.



On macOS, Photo Mechanic requires macOS 10.15 or higher.  If you are using a Mac with macOS 10.14.6 or older, you will need to upgrade to macOS 10.15 or higher to use Photo Mechanic 6.

On Windows, Photo Mechanic 6 requires a 64-bit edition of Windows 8 or higher.  If you are using Windows 7, or lower, you will need to upgrade to Windows 8 or higher in order to use Photo Mechanic 6.

Version 6.0 Build 7212 (08/09/2024)

• Added: DATABASE.BIN file from Sony cameras is ignored during ingest.
• Added: Support for Olympus E-M10 Mark III S ORF files.
• Fixed: Incremental Ingest no longer allows matching RAWs and JPEGs to be ingested separately.
• Fixed: PM now picks up GMT offset from xmp:CreateDate if not in photoshop:DateCreated.
• Fixed: Ingest clean up button not removing all finished tasks.
• Fixed: Metadata Template warns about changes when none were made when run with no existing preferences/settings.
• Fixed: Autocomplete will suggest items from IPTC/XMP field lists even if the primary setting is toggled off.
• Fixed: pmarrangement.dat only gets updated when in arrangement mode.
• Fixed: Incremental Ingest skips partner file if either the RAW or JPEG has already been ingested and filter is set to copy both.
• Fixed: Ingest not evaluating isolated Code Replacements.
• Fixed: Smugmug uploader gives an error when trying to make a gallery from a template at the root level.
• Fixed: Flickr uploader, HTML characters should evaluate in lists where possible.
• Fixed: FTP template connection settings port field should only accept numbers.
• Updated: Zenfolio template for upcoming changes to their API.

• Fixed: Horizontal scrollbar does not appear in Favorites or Navigator panel when a long sub-folder name appears after expanding a parent folder.
• Fixed: macOS Accessibility setting 'Increase Contrast' changes text color of selected Contact Sheet Tab.
• Fixed: Re-allow Navigator to request Finder Sidebar favorites.
• Fixed: Cursor flickering between I-beam cursor and arrow cursor when mouse cursor is passed over the text in a folder renaming session in the Favorites or Navigator.
• Fixed: When expanding or collapsing folders in the Favorites or Navigator, the horizontal scrollbar will often fail to update or will be incorrect.
• Fixed: Color label shading in the Navigator and Favorites on folders with color labels has been restored.
• Fixed: Drag and Drop to Navigator no longer allows for moving files to a destination drive that differs from that of the source.
• Fixed: Inline rename field floats when some toolbar items are used.

• Fixed: Thumbnail size slider always opens at the default size.
• Fixed: Export dialog has cutoff text in the quality slider for high Display magnifications.
• Fixed: Structured Keywords panel does not follow preferences for synonyms.
• Fixed: Windows Navigator folder tree should recall current state when moving a folder and on refresh.