Photo Mechanic > Support
IPTC Template in the Universal Binary Beta 5 here
I notices that in the IPTC Template in the Universal Binary Beta 5 I am testing actually (with good snappier results compared with the normal app) there is na "DATA MINING" case I dont need and want to get rid of it sooner than latter....... I couldn't find a way to get rid of it in the settings. What's the good way to achieve that please ??????
In the Accessibility Preferences:
It's the first place where I looked but I have no DATA MINING field in my Metadata (IPTC) Info and(or) Template fields !!!!!!!!!! I dont understand whats going on with this new field !!!!!
Kirk Baker:
It's hard for me to tell whether you're seeing the field and you don't want to see it anymore, or it isn't there and you want to have it be there. But either way, see the screenshot attached. The rightmost checkbox selects whether the field is visible or hidden. When checked, it should be visible. When it is not checked, then the field should not be visible.
The article that Andrew linked to you should explain how to get to the dialog where you can edit what appears in your Metadata dialogs.
Kevin M. Cox:
I noticed a while back (not on the current beta) that since I had already customized my dialogs, I needed to use the "Restore Defaults" button to get newer fields to show up in the customization area. Might be worth a try.
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