Ian, fully agree with all your comments. Just to make sure: I did not want to stop any suggestions, discussions, requests, etc., heck I even asked for some more or less exotic features myself
Just thought we were getting a bit out of hand with this one
While we already have a scriptable interface for file uploads and the ability to adjust the html output templates, more comprehensive scripting capabilities and/or some sort of API are features that some of us do want to see one day. As a software developer, it is something I would really appreciate. Unfortunately, it will likely be a large undertaking. However, even if such a programming interface to PM existed, the ability to trap and modify any and all PM actions -- such as a file delete -- might not be realistically feasible or practical. It would be nice, but I fear implementation of such a comprehensive API is the type of item that could potentially affect the performance of PM and would take too much time from more important PM development.
I've been a software developer myself (and still do some scripting here and there, heck, I even wrote a script to extract EXIF data).
A complete interface to PM may have its benefits, but is indeed very hard to implement. But how about something much simpler. Basically only the ability to program e.g. a button, shortcut, etc in PM that would allow you to fire off a script. The only "interface" with PM that would be necessary would be the ability to have access to:
1) the selected images, and
2) the full EXIF/IPTC/XMP data as already gathered by PM.
The first thing would allow you to determine on what files to run the script, the second part would enable you to base actions inside the script on the values of the fields. Of course e.g. exiftool could be used to gather the data, but providing it from PM would be a lot faster. The interface could simply be a txt file (this way any scripting language could be used, without PM having to know any specifics).
Above would certainly allow for the implementation of the delete function as mentioned in this thread.
Again just brainstorming the idea, not particularly asking for it