Author Topic: Reveal in Finder  (Read 10210 times)

Offline dbrouse

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Reveal in Finder
« on: May 25, 2006, 09:31:43 AM »

Can you add a "Reveal in Finder" menu item here? (see attached file)...

Frequently my workflow has me locating/selecting some # of files...the I "Reveal in Finder" and using the OS (10.4.6) copy them to a folder to make it eaxy to uplad them to an online photofinisher using their online uploading system (in my case it's frequently Ritz Camera at

What is the best way to automate as much of that task as possible...specifically referring to the  locate, copy to folder portion. I'm not expecting PM to do anything with the rest of the task. I see the FIRST thing to change is revealing them in the finder...I could jsut COPY them via PM...I guess what I want to do is set-up a macro so I don't have to navigate to the folders that i copy TO...make any sense?


[attachment deleted by admin]
Delane B. Rouse/Rouse Photography Group, LLC
Mac OS: Version 10.7.4, Build 12713

Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: Reveal in Finder
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2006, 09:51:33 AM »

Can you add a "Reveal in Finder" menu item here? (see attached file)...

Frequently my workflow has me locating/selecting some # of files...the I "Reveal in Finder" and using the OS (10.4.6) copy them to a folder to make it eaxy to uplad them to an online photofinisher using their online uploading system (in my case it's frequently Ritz Camera at

What is the best way to automate as much of that task as possible...specifically referring to the  locate, copy to folder portion. I'm not expecting PM to do anything with the rest of the task. I see the FIRST thing to change is revealing them in the finder...I could jsut COPY them via PM...I guess what I want to do is set-up a macro so I don't have to navigate to the folders that i copy TO...make any sense?

The reason we don't have a Reveal in Finder in the Preview window is that the Preview window is modal, and as such you wouldn't be able to get it out of the way when your photo was on the Desktop.  I think what would be much better would be to add a customizable set of destination folders and a couple of submenus like "Copy" and "Move" that would list your custom folder lists.  Then you could do it all without leaving the Preview, making drag and drop mistakes (dropping onto the wrong folder, etc.)

How does that sound?


Offline dbrouse

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Re: Reveal in Finder
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2006, 10:54:41 AM »
I think that would work great!!!  Almost every day I create a couple of new folders (Upload-Ritz, Upload-PPI, Upload-SS, etc).  Adding the customizable set of destination folders would be awesome. 

Delane B. Rouse/Rouse Photography Group, LLC
Mac OS: Version 10.7.4, Build 12713

Offline Hydester

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Re: Reveal in Finder
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2006, 12:56:50 PM »
I think what would be much better would be to add a customizable set of destination folders and a couple of submenus like "Copy" and "Move" that would list your custom folder lists.  Then you could do it all without leaving the Preview, making drag and drop mistakes (dropping onto the wrong folder, etc.)
How does that sound?

On a related issue one thing I would love to see is the ability to put an image back into the folder currently being displayed by drag & drop means. In Adobe Bridge I use this feature quite a lot. I will often ruthlessly weed out my shots by deleting them. Sometimes I make a mistake & can easily undo my mistake by simply dragging my deleted file from the trash to the Bridge window & it will be re-located to the original folder. I know you would probably prefer me to make my selections using the colour-ratings but in the real world time is short & I love the finality & simplicity of the ruthless (but reversible) delete.

I wonder if this chimes with anyone else?

Best wishes
