Author Topic: UPDATE - BSOD / Quicktime / nvidia issues  (Read 4346 times)

Offline tomoc

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UPDATE - BSOD / Quicktime / nvidia issues
« on: November 04, 2007, 03:59:05 PM »
Life is good again... at least it has been all afternoon.

recap... I was having blue screen crashes with PM and with iview and MS expression media as all used some compenents from Apple Quicktime. I THINK I have completely solved the issue by using some advice from both the microsoft forum and the apple forum.

Microsoft claims that they have an apple bug number (nvidia blames apple; apple blames them) but quicktime, nvidia and vista are not playing well together.

MS advises setting quicktime to SAFE MODE ONLY.

Apple advises checking all nvidia updates and MS hotfixes (see below). I turned on safe mode and downloaded all nvidia and MS hotfixed linked in the message below... vista is smart enough that you can just download them all and vista will not proceed with any that are wrong for your system.

All I can say is that I am now back in business.. both with full features of PM (I had just uninstalled QT and used PM features that worked) and iview and expresion media.

thanks to Kirk for starting me off on the track to solve this...


apple message:

Using Intel Matrix Storage Console 7.6 (7.6.01011)

That seems up to date. The most common BSODs associated with Intel Matrix on Vista systems in an iTunes/QuickTime context seemed to be fixed by a previous version (7.5.something), so I'm not sure that that's a factor here.

Checking something. You noted that you had the latest nVidia drivers. Do you also have the Vista hotfixes that in place that nVidia recommends?

nVidia driver downloads: Microsoft Windows Vista Hotfixes

Checking on this because although that page doesn't mention QuickTime in the context of those hotfixes, the Codec Guide people do:

Codec Guide News and Updates

(See the News Archive about halfway down the page.)
« Last Edit: November 04, 2007, 04:01:39 PM by tomoc »
Tom O'Connell
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