I'm currently evaluating Photo Mechanic.
In my workflow I want to copy, rename and add metadata (IPTC) to photos which go to the primary destination. In the secondary destination I want an unchanged copy of the original photo (no renaming, no adding of metadata [in dated subfolders to prevent the small change of overwriting duplicates]). In this way, I can always fall back to the original, unchanged photo in case anything goes wrong during PP. Of course, I can do this manually, but it would be nice if this could be automated.
Then, to link the original, unchanged photo from the secondary destination to the changed/updated/renamed photo from the primary destination, I want to add both the renamed filename and the original filename to the IPTC title field in the following way:
{new-filename} (original {quality}: {original-filenamebase})
For instance: SDW_080522_001633.NEF (original RAW: DSC_1633)
Is either of the two steps above possible in the current version of Photo Mechanic? If not, can they be added to a next version? For instance, for not applying any changes for the secondary destination, there could be just a tick mark to indicate "apply (or don't apply) changes to the secondary destination" (or even more specific, a separate tick mark for renaming and one for adding IPTC metadata). I think Photo Mechanic is a great program, and if the above two features are currently available or will be implemented soon, I will definitely buy a copy. If not, I have to look further for my 'ideal' DAM app.
Kind regards,