Very frequently I want to have a 800px wide JPG from my image files for email or who knows what. The right click 'send photos via email' function does more than I want -- all I want is a 800px JPG... I generally used a web based email, and I want to send files from my desktop (I use a mac, but I think the same issue applies to windows people)
What I do, which is terribly inefficient, is to export to a web gallery, then find the image file.
So, what I'd like is a dialog that has all the relevant bits of the exporter dialog (image width and height, rendering options, exif, itpc, watermark) but in the end, it only saves the selected images (or one image on a right click) -- but without the HTML wrappers -- to my desktop, or other location of my choice.
Ah, it's probably already in there... I should read the manual!