I am totally new to PM but love it for its speed and functionality (esp. on my new Intel MacBook Pro ...awesome!).
I must have tried (and paid for) a thousand and one programs but this one beats them all !
On the subject of Ingest I really agree with the comments above but would add some more:
1. Please can we not have to hit an 'OK' button telling us that the ingest is complete. This is unnecessary & wastes time. Also my modus operandi is to open the images straight away in a contact sheet & then immediately (before the ingest is complete) open an image to the Preview page and tab along with my arrow buttons as the new images come in. This is great for showing clients their shots at the speed of light. However if I do this I cannot hit the aforementioned 'OK' button unless I close the preview page. (Try it if you don't believe me !) The ideal would be as described above with the contact sheet page turning green together with a small number indicating the number of images successfully ingested. In a *really* ideal world there might be a tiny icon which would lead to a pop-up page with a log of ingests for that day (or user-defined period of time).
2. One of the functions I love about PM is the 'Unmount Source Discs After Ingest' feature. I would love an option to enable this the whole time rather than have to check the box for every ingest
3. The re-naming function on ingest (and this applies even more to renaming AFTER ingest) requires me to manually reset the sequence number to 001 or whatever every time. This can be very fiddly and annoying. I often re-name an ingest (or group of images AFTER ingest) by my subject's names (I do a lot of corporate shots with large numbers of individuals who need to be named). Thus John Smith would be re-named 'Smith_J_001.NEF' or whatever. Using your current settings it is quite a palaver to re-set to 001 every time so I quite often end up with John Smith's images STARTING there number at 064 or something if I forget to re-set to 001. Accordingly I would simply like to be able to specify (in preferences) a default re-set to 001 in the sequence to avoid this. Incidentally three digit numbering should be default as if there is no leading '0' most programs which sort by file-name will put 'Frame_11' next to 'Frame_110'. I know that you could accordingly argue for four or even five digits with leading zeros (ie 'Smith_J_0001.NEF' or 'Smith_J_00001.NEF' ) but mostly this would be excessive and you could allow an option (as at the moment) for the user to redefine the number of zeros.
Hope these comments are useful.
You have developed a great program whose emphasis is on speed & functionality & I hope & trust my suggestions would improve on both these fronts.
Best wishes